
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament - Part 16 of 20

Now that we've beaten the main game, it's time to take on the EX Stages, also known as "The Five Ultimates." If you thought the game was harder - which is actually true, since you're using Empire of Dreams EX Stage strategies at points during the main game for the GBA sequel - you're right. It gets even more challenging here.

Vision EX-1

To get the EX visions/Extra Stages/Five Ultimates, you need to get all the Sun Stones in each world. By getting all the Sun Stones in the game, you'll get all the extra stages.

Go right, get the Gear Moo, double jump to the platform above, grab the Moo, double jump for three Dream Stones, grab another Moo, jump to the right and jump over a Spiker, double jump to the right over, jump and hover right another Spiker, then grab Flying Moos and double jump over to the right with a series of Flying Moos. You will have to grab and jump right off a Goomi in the middle of this. After the last Flying Moo in the series, grab the Flying Moo again and throw it at the crate to the right for a blue Dream Stone, then double jump to the left with another Flying Moo.  From here, grab the Mummy Moo and double jump up to the Flying Moo above you. From here, you'll have to double jump upwards with a Flying Moo while also grabbing three Dream Stones, and you will have to do everything in one fell swoop quickly just to get to the platform above the Flying Moo. After two extra lives, jump right, grab the Flying Moo, and jump into the tornadoes to be carried upwards. Grab the Flying Moo above and to the right and double jump to get to the first Moon Stone and the next section. 

Head right towards the spike pit, and grab and double jump upwards with the enemies that spawn and drop down from mid-air to reach a vine. Press Up at the vine to grab hold, then climb up. From here, you'll have to jump right, grab the enemies that are dropping down from mid-air and double jump to the right to enter the next section.

Hide under the Big Spiker to get past it, then use the monsters to double jump over the next two Big Spikers that are in your path. From here, double jumping upwards is pretty easy; all you have to do is grab enemies and get to the floors that are obviously there. There will also be green Dream Stones in this area; be sure to get them all. On the slope going up and to the left at this particular point, you'll need to throw an enemy at a crate to get a blue Dream Stone. From here, you'll need to grab an enemy, double jump towards the Flying Moos to the right, use the Flying Moos to get further to the right, and then grab the Erbil and rocket upwards once you're lined up vertically with the extra life. Grab the Flying Moo to the right as you're about to drop and immediately double jump right to get the second Moon Stone. Wait for the Flying Moo to re-spawn, then grab it and enter the next section.

From here, you'll need to double jump right to continue on. Once again, you'll need to double jump upwards repeatedly with the Flying Moos that you see. On the fourth Flying Moo, double jump right to avoid a Big Spiker. Continue right, grabbing Dream Stones as you go, and grab the Erbil and double jump through the crates above so you can land on the column to the right. Grab the Flying Moo, drop right, double jump right, grab the Gear Moo, double jump right, grab the Moo, double jump right over the Spikers, grab the Mummy Moo, double jump upwards to get two Dream Stones, wind bullet the portal to grab another Mummy Moo, drop right, double jump right, grab the Conductor Moo, double jump upwards for two Dream Stones, wind bullet the portal to grab another Conductor Moo, drop down, grab the Goomi to the right, jump right off the Goomi, double jump upwards with the Flying Moos, grab the Teton after the third Flying Moo, fly to the left, grab the last Moon Stone and enter the exit door. You're done.

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