Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Jerry Martin (jerrynsteph4eva) plays Mario Is Missing! (Super Nintendo) - Part 2 of 8

Just when I thought this was going to be a cut and paste job, the Moscow area brings an artifact that wasn't in the NES version. Oh, boy.

Almost all questions and answers come courtesy of DEngel's GameFAQs NES walkthrough, since the game's questions come from it.

Nairobi, Kenya, Africa

Baby Elephant

Q - The safari park is important because it allows animals to:
A - Roam free.

Q - The Nairobi National Park is also an animal _____.
A - Preserve.

Maasai Headdress

Q - What does a Maasai warrior use to dye his skin red?
A - Ochre paste.

Q - The Maasai make a living from what animals?
A - Cattle.

Human Skull

Q - Anthropologists think Kenya may be the birthplace of mankind.  Why?
A - Very old human fossils.

Q - How old is that skull you're holding?
A - 3,000,000 years.

Q - Who discovered that skull you're holding?
A - Richard Leaky.

Moscow, Russia, Europe

Emperor's Cannonball

Q - Whose image appears on the cannon?
A - Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich.

Q - The cannon is the ________ in the world.
A - Biggest.

Ballet Slipper

Q - Alexander Gorsky is said to have introduced _____ into ballet.
A - Realism.

Q - The Bolshoi Theatre:
A - Sells out every show.

Q - Bolshoi is a city, a ballet troupe, and:
A - A theatre.

St. Basil's Cathedral Dome

Q - Who ordered the church built?
A - Ivan the Terrible.

Q - Holy Fool means _____ in Russian.
A - Saint.

Q - The central structure is _____ feet high.
A - 107.

San Francisco, California, U.S.A., North America

Golden Gate Fog Horn

Q - The Golden Gate Bridge was built in:
A - 1937.

Q - The Golden Gate connects San Francisco to:
A - Marin County.

Q - What color is the Golden Gate Bridge?
A - Orange.

Coit Tower Window

Q - On what hill does Coit Tower stand?
A - Telegraph Hill.

Q - What was the Tower built to honor?
A - The S.F. Fire Brigade.

Q - On what hill does Coit Tower stand?
A - Telegraph Hill

Top of the Transamerica Pyramid

Q - The Transamerica Pyramid is earthquake proof due to its:
A - Concrete base.

Q - The Pyramid is located:
A - On Columbus Avenue.

Q - The Transamerica Pyramid was completed in:
A - 1972.

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