Sunday, December 14, 2014

ulillillia plays Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Genesis) - Part 2 of 17

This video is more of the same, but at least ulillillia earns 100,000 points earlier than usual.

Chapter 2: Forbidden Plummet

The yarn ball UFOs sound really weird in the Genesis/Mega Drive version. (Kinda like FM synthesis bass notes.) They fly around from left to right slightly quickly and can beat you up if you're not careful.

Stepping on thumb tacks littered on the ground is ill-advised. Bubsy will pop and then fly around in circles much like a punctured balloon.

The pianos are a pain in the butt unless you go down a slope with them and take them out on flat ground. If you land on them with the glide button, you'll get some hangtime. (They sound like synthesizers in the Genesis version. I blame the console's sound chip.)

The crates with the anvils on them are just platforms. Nothing more.

Chapter 3: A Bridge Too Fur

"More like 'A bridge too short...'"

The jumping flower pots are just background scenery.

To open the bridges up, just land on the gear and Bubsy will do the rest of the work.

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