Monday, September 1, 2014

Sryth plays EVO: The Search For Eden - Part 9 of 17

In this episode, we see a cutscene that puts the Day of Lavos to shame. No, really, for something simple it actually does a good job.

All maps by Tropicon.

Domain of Tyrosaurus (continued)

Good lord, the Tyrosaurs have some range.

Anyway, keep fighting the Tyrosaurs until the screen shakes. You'll get a message saying that the asteroids are hitting the Earth. Thankfully, Gaia opens the Time Trans and saves you. After this, you'll get what's probably one of the most screwed-up cutscenes I've seen in a Super Nintendo game: the asteroids hitting the ground as dinosaurs lay dead. Some of them are even crushed by rocks. Good lord.

The good news is that you have a chance to evolve into a mammal.

Chapter 4: Ice Age

65~36 Million Years B.C.

Iced Coast

According to the brown crystal, evolution is very slow in this age, especially for mammals. You also have a chance to evolve into a human being.

Cave of Judgment

Once you go in, you'll be able to speak to the Syrocasaurus spirits, who will judge you worthy of becoming a mammal. You can either stay a reptile and change into another creature, such as a bird, or you can choose to become a mammal. If you become a mammal, though, you won't be able to change back.

Since Sryth is doing this (and I've been wanting to cover beating the game as a mammal, anyway), we're changing into a mammal.

When you change into one, you'll lose all your EP (again) and you'll become a tiny rat. From here, you'll be able to change into other creatures, including a human being.

Cave of Deltadium

When you enter the cave, you'll find out that some of the dinosaurs are still (inexplicably) alive despite the Ice Age that has hit the world. They're trying to take out the mammals in order to reclaim the world. Hmmmm...

Anyway, the rats here are weak, even if you've just become a mammal. They only give you 10 EP each, but it's still a nice early stomping ground for this chapter.

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