
Sunday, August 4, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays GG Doraemon: Nora no Suke no Yabou - Part 2 of 4

In this entry, we end up in a prehistoric jungle.

World 2-1

The fat orange robots will start moving around when you jump. The monkeys on the trees have hammers which can cause coconuts to come down.

To swim, just move around in any direction with the D-Pad. Some paths do have currents that push you in a certain direction, and the nautilus enemies will shake before they move somewhat quickly in one direction. Be ready to keep your distance and avoid them.

The eggs will contain the power-ups in this world.

World 2-2

The platforms that lead down to other areas disappear when you jump onto them. If you take the right path at the start, you'll get a magic mantle. It only attacks up close, but it still gives you an extra hit and can help take out enemies in tight spots.

The lava monsters will shoot lava projectiles in two directions, but you can still stomp on their heads.

You will slide down slopes automatically, but you can duck to get through the narrow gaps.

Be ready to grab onto ceilings to get past tough gaps.

Near the end, jump right into the ceiling while holding Up, then hold Right to find Jaian.

World 2-3

This is one of two flying levels in the game. You can move in eight directions while flying, but that's about it. Thankfully, you can't fly down past the bottom of the screen and accidentally lose a life.

The main enemy you'll see here are the blue seahorse-like creatures. Some of them will fly in and out and shoot projectiles at you as they do, while some of them will bounce upwards as they fly towards you.

If you stay low, you can find all five of the sweets and some invincibility easily. Be sure to tread carefully so you don't get hit, as there are a few instances where you can get caught out if you're not careful.

World 2-4

The boss here is a pig with boxing gloves. When he hops six times, duck to avoid the projectile. After two projectiles, he will jump around. Keep jumping on his head and backing away before jumping on his head near ground level, and when he stops jumping to do the hops and the projectiles again, be ready to duck again. 

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