
Monday, August 5, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays GG Doraemon: Nora no Suke no Yabou - Part 3 of 4

Our adventure continues in the Old West. This is where the game gets noticeably harder.

World 3-1

The snakes will start moving when you get towards them. Some of them will dive at you, while others will slide.

The enemies with the ponchos and the guns can shoot bullets, and it can be hard at times to dodge the bullets when you cannot see them coming. Ducking usually doesn't help, so you'll more often than not have to jump over the bullets instead of crouching under them. Some of them will hide in and out of barrels, so you'll need to tread carefully as you go through the stage.

You'll get a mantle to hit the enemies with at the beginning of the level. That's a good thing, as it gets harder in the second half of the game and the lack of checkpoints will become more annoying from this point.

You'll need to climb up the roof and walk across it to get the extra life near the end.

The game goes back to using boxes to contain the power-ups.

World 3-2

Two new enemies on the train: the vultures that drop bombs which will explode soon after hitting the ground, and the robots with springs that will sometimes throw what look like hammers. If they jump slightly forward, they'll just jump; if they jump in place, they'll be throwing things and will be harder to jump on unless you can time your jumps and maneuver them carefully.

Midway through the level, you can get a gun that will outright destroy enemies. Make sure you keep it for the whole level, as it makes the level easier.

Also near the end, you can drop into the train cars to pick up the power-ups inside.

World 3-3

Be careful when making your way up in the cave, as there are areas where you can climb directly into an area where a vulture is waiting to drop a bomb on you and hit you. You can jump into the ropes like you would any wall and climb them, but be careful going up.

There is a laser gun near the breakaway block platforms near the end; be sure to get it. Also, be careful on the single blocks that disappear when you jump on them, as it can be too easy to fall to your death and/or become unable to make your way back up. Near the end, you'll want to drop down and find a cave where Nobita will be waiting.

World 3-4

The dragon boss will double back twice on the right side before moving to the left side and double backing once. When he returns to the right side, he will fly upwards and shoot a fireball towards the ground. Avoid the fireball and the fire that remains after the fireball hits the ground. After that, the pattern repeats. You'll want to keep jumping on the boss' head, but you don't want to get too greedy with the damage, either, as it can be too easy to end up inside him when he stops flashing or have him move right into you and immediately hit you if you are too close.

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