
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Widget - Part 4 of 4

The stage is harder than the boss, but you can get through it if you know what to do.

Stage 5: Ratchet

At the start of the final stage, Mega-Brain accidentally brings Widget's evil doppelganger Ratchet from the planet Pollutia to his and Widget's neck of the woods, and Ratchet starts causing havoc. Widget will have to stop Ratchet and force him back home.

The start of the stage is reminiscent of the city stage from Wacky Races in terms of appearance. The pigs with the pitchforks will move back and forth and charge at you like the knights from Stage 2. The one-eyed flying enemies fly in circles and will home in on you when shot at. The flowers spit multiple seeds in the air and can be shot at when they are opened up. The purple floating heads move forwards slowly and fire tracking projectiles, but they can quickly be shot down. Also, watch out for the brown flying enemies that swoop in and out.

You can use the Rock-Man and Mouse forms to get the gun speed power-up at the beginning of the stage.

You'll eventually enter a pink and purple forest area for the second section. At the start of the section, you can go either up or down. The top part is more useful for its extra life at the beginning that you can get with the Bird-Man form, and you probably won't need the gun speed power-up at the end that requires braving spikes and flying eye enemies. The bottom area leads to a red star, and will also have purple enemies that look like Ratchet that teleport in and out and fire at you. They're slow to beat, but you can easily avoid the shots and take them down with enough patience. You'll see these enemies further into the section, too.

In the pink and purple forest section, watch the titles. If the yellow tile at the center of a tile is smaller than normal, it is a fake tile that you can move - or fall - through. If you go forward past the two ladders, you'll be seeing these, and you'll have to find them to not only get around, but also avoid falling into bottomless pits that will force you to start the section over if you fall in. You may want to use the Bird-Man form to get past that last part. Also, you'll need to brave a bunch of purple teleporting enemies to get the second and last green star of the game, which will turn your red bullets (if you picked up the other one) to black, making them even faster and even more powerful, doing multiple hits to enemies and wiping them out.

The last section has a few enemies, and you'll need to make a big jump off the edge of the platforms to get to the door. If you need the big heart, you can use the Mouse Form at the start of the section to get it.

You'll then face Ratchet. Ratchet teleports in and out, and you'll need to keep your distance when you shoot them so you can avoid the small red projectiles that he throws at you upon hitting him in addition to the faster fireballs that he always throws at you. Just watch where he goes and keep hitting him whenever you can, and avoid those fireballs! When you beat Ratchet, the high elders will promote Widget to World Watcher First Class and task him with protecting Earth further before giving him a medal. With that, you've beaten Widget! Congratulations!

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