
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 25 of 53

Just when we think Paula is safe, we have to go through a weird world to ensure that we get her back.

When you reach the office, you'll talk to an alien. You'll also have to fight it. The Dept. Store Spook can do a lot of damage, but it can also go down in two Big Bottle Rockets.

After you beat the Dept. Store Spook, you'll find out that Monotoli has Paula. When you leave the room, the department store lights will come back on.

If you approach the robot near the toy store, the photographer will show up.

The door on the right side of the third floor contains absolutely nothing.

If Paula had the Pencil Eraser in her inventory prior to her getting kidnapped, you'll get a call from Tracy, Ness' sister, telling you that a friend of yours had asked her to hold onto the Pencil Eraser, which will no longer be in your inventory, as soon as you leave the Department Store. Also, if for some reason you never got access to Escargot Express (and if you're trying to get through this game, why wouldn't you?), you can finally call Escargot Express at any phone and get the Pencil Eraser back, provided you have the money to cover the delivery fee. (thanks Swagger Blonde)

The Broken Pipe can become the Shield Killer. This can be used to break enemy shields, but it doesn't work all the time, sadly.

At the cafe, if you talk to the woman who says that kids shouldn't be drinking expressos, you'll find out people are nearby. To the right of the cafe will be a bunch of people surrounding a laid out Everdred, and if you talk to the person in the gray on the far right and give him an item (preferably something useless, like a Cookie from the nearby bakery), you can get past him and talk to Everdred.

Everdred will tell you that he stole the Mani Mani statue - the same statue from Happy Happy Village - to sell it in the big city only to get attacked by Monotoli, who knew the secret of the statue and knew that it would give him power. He will tell you to check behind the counter in the cafe, then says a haiku before he suddenly gets up and slowly walks away.

At the cafe, look up at the northeastern corner and press A. You'll be in Moonside.

By talking to the people, you'll find out that "No" means "Yes" and "Yes" means "No." Also, everything is neon.

The fire can be one of a few enemies. One of them is a Robo-pump, which will countdown from three. When it hits zero, it will unleash a powerful attack. The Enraged Fire Plug will attack you with water. 

The painting is an Abstract Art, yet another enemy that you can find. 

If you talk to the men in the Hawaiian shirts and the sunglasses, they'll whisk you to the Mani Mani statue near the Monotoli Building, in addition to other places that you usually can't get to by walking around. There, a sailor will tell you that the Mani Mani Statue is up ahead and that unless you are guy whose eyebrows are connected and has a gold tooth, you're not getting past him. Remember him for later.

The people here will have very weird dialogue. 

The guy in the suit and sunglasses near the Dinosaur Museum will send you to the hospital if you talk to him. 

The melty clock is known as a Dali's Clock, and is much like the melting clock in Salvadori Dali's painting "La Persistence de Memoir." They have a funny ability in which they stop time to damage, and when that happens, the music stops, then restarts when time is normal again.

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