
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 26 of 53

In this entry, we get Paula back, Escargot Express fails to come through in the clutch, and we get a summons from Talah Rama back in the desert.

One of the men in the Hawaiian shirts and the sunglasses will take you to the Night Pendant, which will be better than any of the pendants that you currently have. It also protects from Flash. The corner areas can only be accessed by the men in Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses, so seek them all out. 

You'll need one of them to get northwest of the Monotoli Building. In that corner, you will find a man in a suit and glasses. If you talk to him, you'll be teleported into a building. One of the two people in the room are all black, and the other person is clearly visible. If you talk to the guy who is clearly visible, you'll be taken to the room in the hotel. There will be an invisible man who will block your path, and when you talk to him, he will join your party. He will mention his connected eyebrows and gold teeth as you explore. You'll need to take him to the guy dressed like a sailor who is blocking the path to the Mani-Mani Statue in order to get to it. The invisible man and the sailor will leave to get drinks, leaving you free to approach the Mani Mani Statue.

When you approach the old man near the statue, you will find out he is not Monotoli. The old man will then disappear, and you will be able to interact with the Mani-Mani Statue and fight it.

The Evil Mani-Mani does not have a physical shield, although it does have a magical one. It can past Paralysis Alpha, and it can neutralize PSI buffs with a blowing green light in addition to other things. Fire Big Bottle Rockets at it to do massive damage and defeat it quickly.

Ness will learn Flash Beta at Level 38. This will also allow you to cast Flash on multiple enemies.

When you defeat the Evil Mani-Mani, you'll be out of Moonside and inside a warehouse behind the cafe. As it turns out, Moonside was just an illusion created by the statue. The nearby mouse will ask you if you were daydreaming due to the vacant look in your eyes.

When you leave the room, you'll be back near the counter. You'll get a call from the Apple Kid about a new invention he has created called the "Gourmet Yogurt Machine," which can make different types of yogurt but can only make trout-flavored yogurt at the moment for some reason. He will send it to you via Escargo Express' "Neglected Class" shipping, which means that no care will be taken with the shipping of the item.

When you leave the cafe, you'll meet a monkey who is trying to teleport. Talk to the monkey, and he will tell you that Talah Rama is done fasting and wants to talk to you. You'll need to head back to the desert maze in the west end of the Dusty Desert in order to talk to him. 

After the monkey leaves, the Escargo Express Neglected Class delivery man will tell you that he lost the package containing the Gourmet Yogurt Machine in the desert and tells you to go get it.

After the delivery man leaves, Monotoli's maid, having overheard your discussion about the Gourmet Yogurt Machine. She will show interest in the machine before leaving. 

The Mad Taxi will try to run you over as an attack.

It's time to head to the desert maze. Bring a Skip Sandwich and a Picnic Lunch, and leave yourself as much inventory space as possible. You'll also need the Pencil Eraser to erase a pencil near the end. Thankfully, you can buy a Picnic Lunch and a Skip Sandwich from the old woman at the store on the west end of the desert.

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