
Friday, May 10, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Drill Dozer - Part 20 of 28

Of course I play the harder route first. Why wouldn't I?

Area 5 Secret Area: Escape Tunnel

There are two routes. One is on the top and is the harder path. The other one is on the bottom and is the easier path. Guess what? We take the harder path first.

When you go in, you'll have to deal with the lasers...and if they touch you, the blocks below you disappear and you have to start the current section over.

For the first section, you not only have to avoid the lasers, but you have to fight enemies on top of that. If an enemy hits you, you cannot trip the lasers while you have the temporary invincibility from getting hit by an enemy. Use this to your advantage, and be sure to come here with the maximum amount of energy tanks, because you're going to be trying and failing a lot. You'll get second gear after the enemy gauntlet. Afterwards, you'll need to get rid of the slime turrets during the second enemy gauntlet. At least you'll get third gear after this, which will let you get past the charge clamp.

In the second section, you have to do the bomb defusing part from Area 5-1 again. There's just one big difference: there are slime turrets above you. The trick to getting through this part is to defuse the bombs with your drill while also not being directly underneath the turrets, which triggers them to shoot at you. If you can make the most of the reach your drill has, you can make that happen and you can get through this part relatively unscathed. The wall at the other end can be broken for a little bit of a health refill, but it's not going to be much.

In the third section, you'll need to get to the door on the other side with the socket lifts while also avoiding the turrets and the bullets that they shoot. This is probably the easiest part of this route, but that's not saying much. I made this part look easier than it actually is.

Then there's the fourth section. You'll need to avoid the lasers as you make your way to the right, and if even one laser touches you, you're starting this part all over. There are only two safe spots you can stand at, and it's near the end and they're both near the ceiling. You can drill above you on the first one for a giant chip that's worth a lot.

You then have the fifth and final section, which is more of the same from the fourth except it's a little more complex. At the first set of lasers, you'll need to be hit by one just before you launch yourself to the right with the socket lifts. If you can time it right, you can get to the other end before the blocks come back, or else you're hitting the sparks below and doing this again. This part does not play around.

After that, you'll then have to position yourself carefully to avoid all the lasers, and once you get to the end, you'll need to get away from the lasers as quickly as possible to get to solid and finally get the treasure, which is the Clay Shades. This is easier said than done, since the first laser in the second part moves frantically, and also, do you really want to screw up this close to the end and do this last section all over again? I even kept sliding past the second wall in order to get to solid ground more quickly. But at least this is over, and we can take the easier route in the next video.

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