
Friday, May 10, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 3 of 53

In this entry, we explore Onett further and get used to the battle system...and fighting punks and hoodlums.

One of the NPC's near the drugstore will tell you that Paula leaves in Twoson with her mother, who runs a preschool out of her home. You'll also find out that Paula is pretty special.

The Cookies only heal 5 HP, and they will take precious room from your inventory. You're better off getting rid of them as quickly as possible.

Another NPC who lives north of the hospital will tell you that the name of the preschool in Twoson is the Polar Star Preschool, and that Paula can cast magic, which is what makes her special.

An old woman north of the hospital will tell you to go to the hospital if any of your allies lose HP. All you'll have to do is check with the nurse receptionist to get them back. It will cost you money, so be prepared to pay up.

You'll also find out that the Sharks' boss is hanging out near the Giant Step.

The big building with the columns is City Hall. You'll find out that there is a Giant Ant near Giant Step.

If you try to meet with the mayor, you'll be pushed out after the policeman thinks you're the one trying to reform the Sharks.

The yellow house between the Onett Town signs will give you hints on what to do next, but it will cost you $35.

The "Fresh Breeze Movement" is a fart joke.

There is an impromptu Beatles question near the hotel. The hotel allows you to fully heal your HP and MP if you're willing to pay $35.

The police station is on the south end of town, east of the hospital. There's not much to do here...yet.

The bakery allows you to buy baked goods and healing foods. One of the people will remind you to talk to people more than once and at different times. 

Near the bakery, you'll find members of the Sharks: the Skate Punk, The Yes Man Junior and the Pogo Punk. You'll want to level up before taking them on, as they can be a bit powerful for this point in the game if you don't level up a bit.

If you get beaten up, you can choose to continue or not continue. If you continue, your progress is saved and you go back to the last place where you saved, but you lose half of the money you had on hand, you'll have no PP, and your allies will still be dead.

West of the hospital, you can buy a home. You won't be able to buy it until later in the game when you have $7500. There will also be a guy playing trumpet near the cliffside.

At the hospital, the guy with the blue hair and mustache will heal you if you have the money. You'll need to talk to him if you get Diamondized, which turns you into a diamond statue, or Mushroomized, which makes a mushroom grow out of your head and make the D-Pad move you in random directions. The receptionist will allow to revive downed allies. 

The sign near the two patient rooms has a Tombstone Pizza reference. Pepperoany and cheese.

There are also Sharks members near the Pizza Parlor and the Game Center. At least here, you can fight them one at a time. They can call for help, so make sure you're able to hit the Sharks members hard when you fight them and you're equipped with stuff from the local drug store. Also, the garbage can between the two locations contains a can of fruit juice. Sure, eat and drink stuff from out of the trash. Makes as much sense as Castlevania wall meat.

Your HP will roll down when hit and roll up when healed. If you are hit hard enough for your HP to hit zero, you won't die until your HP rolls down to zero, so you can still fight until then.

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