
Thursday, May 9, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 2 of 53

We finally find out what we need to do in this game, then we explore our own hometown proper.

From here, you'll want to head home. As you do, a Starman Junior show up and confront Buzz Buzz, demanding that Buzz Buzz surrender. You'll get into a boss battle of sorts. 

Buzz Buzz will cast PSI Shield Sigma on Ness to protect him from harm. From here, fight him like any other enemy. Buzz Buzz will be doing the most damage, and any magic that the Starman Junior casts will be negated by the PSI Shield.

Once the Starman Junior is defeated, Buzz Buzz tells Ness that he will fight enemies sent by Giygas as well as animals influenced by Giygas and humans with evil thoughts.

From here, head back to Pokey and Picky's house. When you talk to their mother and father, you'll find out that the mother and father are jerks, and the father will go upstairs, hit his kids and then tell you it would be nice if you left soon as your father borrowed a lot of money from them and left them living in poverty, even though it looks like they're far from living in squalor. The mother will also kill Buzz Buzzle, who then tells you to unite your power with the Earth's and to find eight Sanctuary locations in order to do that, with the first being "Giant's Step," which is nearby. You'll also get the Sound Stone, which will record the melodies from each Sanctuary location.

If you talk to Picky and Pokey, Picky will not want to look at the meteorite, and Pokey mentions that he gets no dessert for the rest of the decade.

When you leave, it will be daylight, and you can head towards the city proper. For now, you will be on your own, so try not to die. From here, head back to Lier X. Aggerate's house.

If you find a butterfly, walk into it to restore your PP.

At Lier's house, talk to Lier. He will eventually go down the ladder, and from here, you can follow him to a strange golden statue. Lier will mention that he will find the nearby buried treasure, whatever it may be, and tells you to go home before you get greedy thoughts. If you look at the golden statue, it will shine strangely.

When Ness reaches Level 4, he will learn Hypnosis Alpha, which can put an enemy to sleep.

When you face an enemy, there will be a spiral, and the color of the spiral indicates what will happen. If the spiral is black, the battle starts normally. If the spiral is green, you will be able to get a sneak attack, usually because you snuck up on an enemy from behind. If the spiral is red, the enemy will get the first shot and it's usually because the enemy snuck up on you.

If you head back to your house, a man in a top hat will drop down, take a picture of you, then fly away. Be ready to see him at numerous points in the game.

At home, you can talk to your dad to see how much money you have in your bank account, and you can also save your game and see how much experience you have left until the next level. The ATM Card in your inventory will allow you to access your money.

When you make your way south from your home, the first building you will see is the Onett Public Library. The girl nearby will tell you that you can get a map, and if you talk to the woman at the desk, she will let you borrow a map, which you can look at with X.

The old man near the desk will tell you that there is a monster guarding Giant's Step. One of the people in one of the rooms will tell you that if you stay at a hotel, you will wake up with full HP and PP. Also, recovering your life will give you full HP, but zero PP.

In another room, you'll learn that there are ATM's in hotels and drugstores in the cities and towns that you go to. Telephones will also be in hotels and drugstores. Green phones cost a dollar to use, while black phones are free to use. In yet another room, you'll find out that Giant's Step is northwest is Onett.

If you approach the restroom, a person will run into one of the rooms. So much for a bathroom break.

Behind the library is a hideout. If you go to it, talk to the kid in the red baseball cap to get the Mr. Baseball Cap. You'll need to equip it, but it makes good armor. You'll also have to return it later in the game.

If you head towards Giant Step, you'll find out that the nearby travelling entertainer's shack has been vandalized and you will not be able to go any further.

If the screen flashes after you get a black spiral and the enemy just disappears, it is an automatic win due to the enemy being weak enough that they cannot fight you. The snake will usually be the first enemy that this will happen with.

South leads to the city. At the Burger Shop, you can buy burgers, fries, coffee and fruit juice. I also don't remember fast food ever being that expensive in 1995. At the drugstore, you can also save your game at the phone in addition to buying healing items, weapons and armor. When buying weapons and armor, if the border around your character's HP/PP window flashes, that means the weapon or armor is more powerful that what you've currently got equipped. If it turns black, the character cannot equip that item. Also, if the border does not change, it means the item is the same or worse than what you already have.

Also, keep in mind that yo-yos have worse accuracy than bats. You'll want to get the Tee-ball bat, and if you buy it, you can equip it right then and there and then sell off your old Cracked Bat while getting back the difference of the value of the Tee-ball Bat minues the value of the Cracked Bat.

You can withdraw and deposit money at ATM's. The game will tell you how much money you have here.

The phone at the drugstore is a green phone and will cost one dollar to use. You can call Dad for the usual saving, experience needed and money checks, and you can call your Mom to keep Ness from getting Homesick, which can decrease his attack and defense in battle and usually happens when he does not call his mom.

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