
Thursday, May 9, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 1 of 53

Here's a game that I saw all the time in gaming magazines as a kid but never got a chance to play. Let's see how quirky it is!

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When you start the game, you'll be able to select the text speed, the sound mode, and the color for the text windows. From here, you'll be able to name Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo and Ness' dog King whatever you want with a maximum of five characters to work with. (You can use "Don't Care" to give the characters random names.) 

From there, you can name Ness' favorite homemade food (default is Steak) and Ness' favorite thing (default is Rockin'). You have six characters for those. After that, you can accept your choices or change them. Once you accept, it's on to the game.

The game takes place in Eagleland in the 199X, several years after Mother for the Famicom, in a small town called Onett in the country of Eagleland, a parody of the United States. A boy named Ness is woken up by a crash outside. After making his way out of the room, you can then talk to your sister Tracy in the bedroom to the north, and you can also open the present inside her room to get a Cracked Bat. Be sure to equip it.

From there, head downstairs to talk to Ness' unnamed mother. She will give you permission to go outside and check it out, as well as change your clothes in order to do it. Equip the Cracked Bat, then head east to leave the house.

From here, you'll have to head east and go up the hill, since you'll be forced to go there anyway by the police blocking you from going places you don't need to go. Talking around will lead to learning that a meteorite has crashed nearby.

Your next door neighbors will be immediately to the west of your house, and you can go inside to talk to them. If you talk to Picky, who is near the front door, he will tell you that Pokey snuck out to see the meteorite and that their mom and dad is at an elegant restaurant.

From here, it's time to make your way to the meteorite at the hilltop. Thankfully, the path leading to it is pretty intuitive. Along the way, you'll find a present with a Bread Roll inside, and you'll also run into Lier X. Agerate's house. If you talk to Lier, he will tell you about the meteorite as well as the message he wrote on a nearby billboard.

The meteorite will be close to Lier's house. From here, you'll need to talk to Pokey, who is the guy with the blond hair running around. He will tell you to go home. There's nothing else to do here, so go ahead and go home. Your mom will be waiting for you. Talk to her, then go back to bed.

Later that night, there will be a knock at the front door. Ness will be woken up again. Head back downstairs and answer the door, and Pokey will enter the house. He will tell you that the police have left to deal with the Sharks while he took Picky to see the meteorite, and now Picky is missing. You'll have no choice but to help him, so do it. Talk to your mom, and she will tell you to change your clothes, take King with you and take the Cracked Bat from Tracy's room (if you haven't already). Again, be sure to equip the Cracked Bat.

If you talk to Tracy after you change your clothes again, she will give you a Cookie to heal with. From there, talk to King to get him to come with you, then talk to Pokey to make him part of your party as well. Before you leave, the phone will ring. Answer it, and you'll hear from your dad. By talking to him, you'll be able to save tour game and combat homesickness, as well as see how much money is in your bank account (which you can access with the ATM Card in your inventory).

Once you leave the house, you'll be fighting Runaway Dogs, Coil Snakes and Spiteful Crows to some rather funky music as trippy backgrounds are shown on the screen. The Dogs are pretty easy to deal with, but there is a chance that the Spiteful Crows will still items from your inventory, and if that happens, you won't be able to get them back. The Spiteful Crows do a little more damage than the Runaway Dogs, so be ready to heal up when necessary. The Coil Snakes can wrap around you and keep you from moving, but they're not as bad as the Spiteful Crows.

When you reach Level 2, you'll get LifeUp Alpha, which heals a little bit of HP (hit points) and the expense of a few PP (psychic points). Since the Bread Rolls and Cookies don't heal for much, this can help in a pinch.

Ness will be the only person who can do damage, with Pokey and King not contributing to much. If you see a "SMAAAAAASH!" icon in the message box, that means you've performed a critical hit, which deals more damage.

If you need to heal without using items, go back home and talk to Mom to eat your favorite food. This will give you a full heal.

Once again, you'll need to make your way back to where the meteorite at the hilltop was. You may have to move back and forth between the path leading to the hilltop and home to heal a few times and level up, as the enemies here might give you a hard time on the way up.

When you reach the hilltop, King will leave, leaving just you and Pokey. If you examine the meteorite, it will be hot. Picky will be hiding behind a bush. Talk to him, and he will join the party. From here, try to leave. Pokey will ask if you hear a buzzing sound. You'll see a bee come out from around the meteorite. The bell will tell you that it comes from ten years in the future and that Giygas, the universal cosmic destroy, sent all to eternal darkness, and that Ness is "the chosen boy" and the only one who can stop this from happening. You'll also learn that legends of ancient times that tell of three boys and a girl that defeated Giygas. When asked if you understood everything, say yes. Buzz Buzz will then join your party.

If you go back to Lier X. Agerate with Pokey and Picky with you, Lier will tell you to talk to meet him later when you are alone.

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