
Saturday, January 16, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament - Part 12 of 20

In this entry, we make it to the finals, but not before we find out what happens to the losers of this tournament.

Vision 4-7

Go left, grabbing Dream Stones as you jump. When you reach the wooden crate, grab the Pirate Moo and double jump left. Jump left to get past the disappearing blue platforms, get the three Dream Stones above them, then drop down at the Big Spikers, ride the current up and hover left. Grab the Flying Moo, and take it left to the current while grabbing more Dream Stones. Go left when you reach the top at the current, and when you reach land, double jump upwards to get a blue Dream Stone. Jump left off the trampoline to the second section. You should have fifteen Dream Stones at this point.

Hover left and get the Dream Stones while going over the big Spikers, then continue left, grab the Flying Moo and double jump over the nearby crate. Drop down and leap left off the trampolines, then follow the Dream Stones down. Drop down underneath the big Spiker and continue left, then grab the Flying Moo and use it to double jump over the big Spikers and continually grab Flying Moos to continue to go left. After the third Flying Moo, you'll have to go underneath the fourth and last big Spiker, grabbing four Dream Stones as you eventually hover to the left underneath the big Spiker. If you get it right, you'll land on solid ground and in a current. Go left when you reach the top of the current, then grab the Flying Moo and double jump right to get the Sun Stone. Break the left of the two crates near the Flying Moo you just grabbed for a blue Dream Stone, then grab another Flying Moo and double jump left to the goal.

Vision 4-8

Go right, then ride up the current and grab the Goomi to the left on the way up. Grab the Pirate Moo, then drop down and double jump to the blue Dream Stone. From here, go up and right, grab the Likuri, then drop down and to the right, get the Dream Stones, double jump to the blue arrow panel and hit the blue arrow panel so it points right. From here, grab the Likuri again, drop down, throw the Likuri at the Pirate Moo to the right, go through the waterfall to the left, get the Dream Stones, go up the current and throw the Likuri at the Flying Moo to the right on the way up, loop back around to the current and throw the Likuri to the left at the Pirate Moo above where the blue Dream Stone was on the way up. From here, take the Likuri back to the arrow panels and throw it at the red one to open up the entrance to the next section. From here, you can just double jump to the next section with another Likuri.

Grab the Flying Moo, double jump above the red arrow panel to the right, hit the blue arrow panel so it faces down, grab another Flying Moo, double jump above the red arrow panel to the right, grab the Flying Moo, double jump for two more Dream Stones, go right and hit the water switch, then go back to the Flying Moo, grab another one, double jump right over the red arrow panel, re-grab the Flying Moo and throw it to the right to break a chest. Go right, grab the Boomie, jump into the tornado and into the current to the right, then throw the Boomie towards the Moon Stone on the left so it hits the floor switch. Loop back around to the door, grab the Boomie and double jump to get the first Moon Stone. Get another Boomie, take it all the way up the current, go left, double jump towards the Dream Stones and to the ladder that leads to the next section.

Hit the water switch, then grab the Pirate Moo and double jump to the right at the end of the pit where you lowered the water. The Nagapoko here has a message from Lolo stating she cannot go any further because Popka is hurt. Grab the three Dream Stones to the right, then grab the Goomi above the Nagapoko, jump left, get the two Dream Stones, go all the way to the right, grab the Likuri, double jump above the Pirate Moo to the Goomi, then grab the Goomi and jump left before the Likuri returns. From here, you can throw the Likuri at the Flying Moo to the right so you can get rid of the blue crystal to the left. From here, you can grab the Flying Moo and use it to get to the Sun Stone that you just uncovered. Absorb the two nearby enemies with the Likuri again, but this time, take the Likuri all the way to the box, jump onto the box, jump up and throw the Likuri left at the Pirate Moo, then grab the box and throw it to the right before the Likuri returns. From here, you can take the Likuri all the way to the right and throw it at the red crystal to enter the next section.

Go right, go up the vine and grab the two Dream Stones, go right on the conveyor belt, then grab the Goomi you see on the left on the way up the slope, jump left and grab the blue Dream Stone. Get back on the conveyor belt, continue right, grab the three Dream Stones, go right at the air current, grab the Pirate Moo, go left, throw it at the chest, grab another Pirate Moo and double jump where the chest was to get to a switch. Hit the switch to reverse the conveyor belt. This makse the box move to the right, where it will block the air current. Grab the nearby Pirate Moo again, then drop down and go right through the waterfall, then double jump to the second Moon Stone. Grab the Flying Moo and double jump right to the next section.

Make your way down and to the right, grabbing the Dream Stones as you go, then grab the Flying Moo near the start and take it to the right through the waterfall. Make sure the blue arrow panel is pointing right. Grab the Boomie, take it left through the waterfall, then throw it at the blue arrow panel and hit the floor switch before the Boomie gets to the door. The Boomie will eventually drop down and land on top of the Moo boulder, where it should explode. Grab the final Moon Stone where the boulder was, then head to the exit. The Nagapoko here will just tell you about the Kupian in the next vision, which can be hit with a Moo.

Vision 4-Boss

Nagapoko will warn you about homing missiles in addition to the Kupian's weak spot in the stomach. 

When Klonoa meets Suiryu, Suiryu tells Klonoa that something happens to the losers of the tournament, and if Klonoa wins, he must watch him to find out what it is.

In the first section, you'll want to get rid of the Kupian with the Pirate Moo at the start as soon as possible; otherwise, it will be harder to get rid of. If you don't nail it in the stomach with the Pirate Moo at the very start of the stage; go back to the overworld and try again so you can still get your S-Rank. From here, you're free to get through this section.

Go to the right, use the Pirate Moo to double jump to two Dream Stones, then leap your way to the right. Climb up the vine, go left at the platforms, throw the Pirate Moo at the cannon, jump to the vine, jump right to the disappearing blue platform, continue right, grab the Pirate Moo and double jump and hover to the right for more Dream Stones. Continue downwards, throw a Pirate Moo at the next cannon, continue right, throw a Pirate Moo at the chest at the end, jump to the blue Dream Stone you just uncovered, then grab another Pirate Moo, jump to the disappearing blue platform and double jump onto the vine. Climb the vine up, jump and hover to the left, grab the Flying Moo near the cannon to throw it at the cannon, go left and grab another blue Dream Stone. From here, go to the disappearing blue platform to the right of the vine, grab the Flying Moo, double jump right, grab the green orb and continue to the right to the first Moon Stone and the next section. You should have fifteen Dream Stones at this point.

Continue right, and take the low road to throw a Pirate Moo at a cannon. Climb up the vine to the right, then make your way to the top as soon as possible with the Pirate Moo to the right (don't forget the Dream Stones here). You'll need the Kupian's projectiles to break the chest here so you can get the Sun Stone. From here, you can head left and get the Dream Stones you see along the way. Use a Flying Moo to get to the vine at the end, then jump and hover left for a blue Dream Stone. From here, you'll need to throw an enemy at the Kupian's stomach when the gold ball is exposed. Once you do that, just head right for the green orb so you can get the second Moon Stone and entry to the third section. You should have 25 Dream Stones at this point.

The next room is a battle arena (more or less) with Flying Moos. You will need to move around the room and go for the Kupian's weak point without getting hit yourself, or it's bye bye S-Rank. You'll have to hit the Kupian's weak point three times while also throwing enemies at the cannons to slow Suiryu down as usual. The corners are the safest spots in the room, as the Kupian will not fly into the corners of the room. There is also a blue Dream Stone in the upper-right corner of this room; don't forget to grab it. Once you hit the Kupian's weak point three times, you're free to get the last Moon Stone from where the Kupian exploded and get out of here via the exit door in the lower-right corner of the room.

After the battle with the Kupian, Suiryu is carried off, and Klonoa watches as Suiryu is turned into a gear. Garlen has no remorse about turning the losers into gears and parts for his Mechanical Empire, and once again, despite what has been witnessed, Gantz is apathetic.

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