
Friday, September 6, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Chrono Trigger (Super NES) - Part 8 of 70

In this entry, we have to break out of prison. Once we do that, we end up going into what seems like a whole other world once we're cornered in the forest.

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If you got four or five "not guilty" jurors, you only get one Ether. If you get six or seven, you'll get three Ethers as soon as you wake up in your cell. This was changed in subsequent versions where the more "not guilty" jurors you got, the more Ethers you got.

There are two ways to escape from prison. You can either wait three days for the execution (which doesn't take long) so that Lucca can save you from getting your head lopped off, or you can walk into the cell bars three times and get the guard to open it. From there, you can either run out faster than the guard can leave or kill the guard. If you kill the guard, you'll only have to face the other guard; if you run, you'll have to face both of them. From there, if you make your way to the exit, you'll meet Lucca then.

While you can fight the Guards, you don't necessarily have to. While all they can do is slash at you with their swords, you can get behind them and press A like you would with the guard if you tried to escape the quick way and kill them then and there. You won't get experience or money, but if you press A to search them, you'll get a Mid-Tonic, which replenishes 200 HP easily. Be sure to get as many of these as you can.

The other enemies you can meet are the Blue Shields, who are just men hiding behind shields. If you wait long enough, they will move their shields to the side to look around and become Yodu De, which looks a bit like "Yo Dude," now that I think about it. Neither form attacks, and while the Blue Shields have high defense and move around, Yodu De stays put and is completely vulnerable.

If you can find the store room, you'll find some healing items, but you'll have to fight the Omnicrone - some guy with a mace - on the way back. He is pretty strong and is easier to face with two people and Fire Whirl, but you can still take him down with just Crono.

You'll come across a larger corridor that leads to the execution room. Along the way, you'll find a guy underneath a guillotine. Free him. You'll find out that this is Fritz, who has been mentioned by Elaine as well as the store clerk in Truce Village. 

The Decedent, should you run into it, can be pretty powerful, being able to attack you with its spear. Thankfully, Crono can easily beat it up.

One of the bridges has a battle with two guards, but you'll only see that battle once.

Some of the cell doors only open halfway, and you'll have to find a way to get into those cells and get the items inside them. One of the cells has a hole in the wall that can let you climb down two levels to enter the cell below, but that's not all. If you can press A at the hole in the floor, you'll be in another cell that you can't normally enter. From there, you can just press A while walking into the north wall from where you came in from to climb back up. You'll want to go down to that cell with the shortcut in the floor, as you'll find 1500G and a Lode Sword.

Eventually, you'll find the area where you entered the jail from. If Lucca hasn't rescued you yet, you'll have to fight the guards. You'll also have to deal with the Supervisor, but Lucca will take him out as he runs. Searching the Supervisor will net you five Mid-Tonics. You'll also be able to read the Dragon Tank Owner's Manual, which states that the head provides shielding from fire and lighting attacks, which renders the tank unstoppable.

When you try to escape, the Chancellor will sic the Dragon Tank on you. There are three parts to the Dragon Tank: the Tank Head, the Dragon Tank (which is the body), and the Grinder (which is the well at the bottom). The Grinder allows the tank to charge at you and damage both Crono and Lucca. The tank head will heal the tank and spit fire at one of your party members. The Dragon Tank will fire lasers (which can damage both party members) and missiles (which only damage one). The Grinder has the least amount of HP and easily be taken out first, but you can also focus on the Tank Head first if you're daring and you don't want to deal with all the healing. Once you destroy the Grinder, the charging attacks will cease, and when you destroy the Tank Head, you'll stop the tank from healing itself. From there, you can destroy the Dragon Tank itself, and if you destroy the body, the rest of the tank goes down no matter what.

After beating the Dragon Tank, Crono will destroy the Dragon Tank once and for all. The Chancellor and the two guards who show up will end up being a makeshift bridge, and you can walk across them to get back into the castle. Get the Shelter in the chest as you make your way downstairs. You'll be spotted by the guards, but they can't do anything to you. When you make it to the entrance, Marle shows up and stops all the guards, and when King Guardia XXXIII confronts her for her actions, she ends up leaving and running away with Crono and Lucca.

From here, the soldiers and the Chancellor will continue to chase after you, and you'll be forced to go into the clearing to the east. Here, you'll find a Gate, and with the soldiers and the Chancellor trapping you with nowhere else to go, you'll have to do both the inevitable as well as the illogical: jumping into the Gate without a clue as to where it will take you.

When you come out of the gate, you'll be in a strange dome-like structure. There is a door to the north, but you won't be able to open it. There's nothing else to do but to go south to leave, and when you do, you'll find out that you are in a desolate wasteland of a world.

Trann Dome is to the south, and if you talk to the people there, you'll find out that world that you know does not exist in this era. You'll also find out that the people here are starving and that there is another dome to the east, but only if you can get past the ruins. You can heal your HP and MP with the Enertron, but you'll still be left hungry.

If you talk to the man near the entrance, you'll find a shop. You'll definitely want to get the Auto Gun for Lucca and you'll want to get Iron Helms and Iron Suits for everyone. You can also buy Mid-Tonics here for 100G each if you feel the need.

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