
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays The Pink Panther in Pinkadelic Pursuit - Part 4 of 9

This video ends up being super short due to the boss battle more or less going my way and because of the short level that I end up playing afterwards. At least I know where to get coins now.

When you head out of the house from the right, you'll find out that Uncle Pink has left a large, carnivorous plant in the greenhouse. You'll need to beat this thing in order to continue on.

The Greenhouse

To beat the large, carnivorous plant, you'll need to take the bomb, lay it next to one of the three roots with the bulge on it on the ground and blow those roots up. If you blow up all three, you win.

The battle is far from simple, however, as the plant will eat you as soon as it sees you. Use the trees for cover, and if you see the thought bubble with the pink question mark in it, you'll need to hide quickly, or else you're going to get eaten and you'll have to start this whole boss battle over. For best results, make your moves when the plant is not looking in your general direction. Once you destroy all three of the roots on the ground, you'll get another key as well as a heart container that increases your maximum health by one heart.

From here, you can enter the greenhouse, jump on the tree stump, jump on the roof and walk across the awning near the greenhouse and enter the second floor. Here, we'll play another short level.

The Ice Rink

Once again, you're in another skating level. Be ready to jump over policemen, cars and holes in the street. When you're on the power lines, jump over the sparks so you don't get shocked. When you're being chased by the snowball, jump over the mailboxes. It won't be long until you get to the key at the end.

This is the best place in the game to get coins to unlock the art in the art gallery, and this is especially true if you beat your best time multiple times, which I eventually end up doing.

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