
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays The Pink Panther in Pinkadelic Pursuit - Part 3 of 9

One more level before we have to face a boss...and it's an obligatory Egyptian level. Nice.

There's nothing to do on ground level, so let's head to the basement and play the Egyptian level, shall we?


You'll need the candelabra to get the bomb and blow up a barrier, then you'll need to get a diamond to open a door and bomb another barrier before getting out of here.

The candelabra is all the way to the right on ground level. You'll need to take it to the crate of dynamite to the right of where you start to get the bomb. Take the bomb to the right while staying as high up in the level as you can go, and you'll get to the barrier, lay it down and blow it up.

This will get you into the pyramid, but you'll still need the diamond. That will be up and right of the start as you're heading towards the candelabra. Take the diamond and get into the pyramid, but watch out for the jackal who walks like an Egyptian even as he chases after you. Once you're in the pyramid, keep dropping down and to the right to get to the door that requires the diamond. There are doors you can enter with Triangle, but you don't need them. You may have to hide near the end, though.

At the other end is the barrier. You'll find the bomb in the pyramid if you look for the signs pointing to it. Once you get it, drop on down, get to the right and blow up the barrier. Get the key, and when you get to the pyramid, be ready to hide, as the jackal will suddenly show up from the left when you reach the wall you need to hide in near the exit. from here, head up and left to exit the pyramid, then drop all the way down to ground level, head left and get to the door.

The mummies take three hits to defeat.

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