
Thursday, July 25, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays The Pink Panther in Pinkadelic Pursuit - Part 5 of 9

I may not have beaten the best time, but I still got through this one pretty quickly.

The Stone Age

You'll need to put out a fire, break two walls with egg bombs, get a bone from a dinosaur to a toll bridge, and get out.

Holding Down and Left or Down and Right lets you crawl through the low passageways.

Watch out for fire as you get to the bowl of water. Stay low and follow the signage and get to the bowl, and get to the slope blocked at the top by the campfire to put the fire out. 

When you get the eggs, jump up and enter the doorway to blow up the wall near the start. You'll need to do this again to blow up the wall just up and left from it.

To get the bone, go past where you blew the stone wall at the start and go through it one. One of the caves has a bone, but you'll need to run away from the dinosaur. Go up and to the left, then jump up the mountain and head right to the toll bridge. You'll then be able to get the key. You'll need to circle around. When you see the frozen bridge to the right, take it and follow the pink signs to the exit.

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