
Saturday, May 25, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Part 2 of 54

It's been so long between making this video and making this blog entry that I don't remember half of the stuff here. It's been nine months between this and that. Seriously.

First | Next | End


Press R3 (the right control stick) or Select to pull up a map of the current area, just like in the first game. This allows you to see where you've been and where you need to go.

The Megacorp vendor at the start of every area (as well as in other areas where they can be found0 is used to buy weapons and ammo, much like the Gadgetron vendors in the first game.

In this planet, you can buy the chopper, which shoots out throwing stars and can bounce off walls and hit other enemies. You'll also be able to buy the Blitz Gun, which is a short range gun that packs a punch towards anything in front of you.

From this point forward, I'll be timestamping stuff like I did with the first game to better show some things off.

2:57 - I'll be taking this path first. The red guys that bounce up and down as they move can projectile vomit on you if you get too close. The snails are easier to defeat with the Lancer, especially from a distance.

4:10 - Jump on the sea monster to move across the poisonous yellow water. When it stops, get off before the sea monster sinks into the depths below.

5:10 - The yellow bugs will attack you if you either shoot one down or if you get close enough.

Also, if you fill up the experience bar, you'll get an extra Nanotech point that serves as an addition to your maximum health. Not only that, but you also immediately destroy any enemies in the immediate vicinity.

The Venus Flytrap plants act as platforms to get to other areas, but don't stay on them for too long or else you'll get chomped on.

6:20 - More sea monsters. Keep the camera behind Ratchet for best results.

8:15 - Destroy lamp posts and other lights for bolts to buy things with.

10:43 - Sliding down the pipes allows you to meet a scientist who shows off the Tractor Beam. For 1,000 bolts, you can buy it. Buy it. You're going to need it to continue.

The Tractor Beam moves small and medium size objects which have glowing orange targets on them. Press Circle to move those columns when you get so you can scale the cliff. To turn the Tractor Beam off, just press Circle again.

The Tractor Beam will be in the Gadgets menu - not Weapons - when you pause the game. Keep that in mind.

You'll find your first Platinum Bolt here by moving the columns to a cliff away from where you really need to put them in order to continue. These replace the Gold Bolts from the first game. You'll need these to buy something later on.

If you leap into the edge of a platform, you can grab on to them. Pressing Up and X lets you pull yourself while Down and X lets you drop down. Left and right shimmies to the side.

5:13 - It's time to take the other path, because we need new coordinate to leave. I buy the Chopper before I go, since that gives me a new weapon to play with.

16:55 - Well, so much for that guy.

If you shoot down the four pterodactyls nearby, you'll get one of thirty Skill Points in the game. The Skill Points let you unlock secrets in the game.

17:55 - You can't save this guy, either. Sorry.

19:59 - Do I really want to, game?

20:58 - Strafe by holding L2 or R2. You'll need to do that while defeating these tentacles. Just strafe to avoid getting smacked while you shoot.

Also, weapons have experience bars as well. To get experience, you must deal the killing blow on an enemy with it. By getting full experience on the Lancer, we get the Heavy Lancer, which holds more ammo and shoots more powerful bullets more quickly.

22:33 - The Dynamo. Use it on the green glowing gadgets that are floating in the air to activate machinery. The machinery will only run for a limited time, so be careful.

23:28 - The Megacorp store, which is empty, abandoned and teeming with enemies. You can smash things for extra bolts if you need to. Keep the Dynamo handy to create some platforms and elevators.

Also, tapping L1 centers the camera.

27:44 - The coordinates to the next planet are here. You'll find out that the thief has headed to Maktar Resort in the Maktar Nebula. You'll also find out that theer is a gladiator-style arena where you can fight enemies and bosses for money and prizes.

30:16 - The Magnet Boots are returning, methinks. Also, you can jump into certain walls and press X to do wall jumps, just like in the first game.

Skill Points

Prehistoric Rampage: If you defeat the four pterodactyls flying around where you find the drowning man on the way to the Megacorp store, you'll get a skill point.


Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

  • Jump and double jump
  • Wall jump (near certain walls)
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • interrupt on-screen messages

Select: open map
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

  • center camera behind Ratchet (tap button to center)
  • first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
    • Square: wrench boomerang
    • Circle: fire gun
L2/R2: strafe (hold while moving)
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
R3: open map

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