
Saturday, May 25, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 31 of 53

In this entry, we head back to Fourside to claim another "Your Sanctuary" location.

If you talk to the Magic Cake woman again, you'll find out she can't make Magic Cake any more, and that she is now selling Magic Tarts, which taste even better. You can get one for $480, and it heals 20 PP. Pudding heals 40 PP, while Truffles (which you'll see later on) heal 80 PP.

Head back to the museum and give Poo's Tiny Ruby to the security guard blocking the door. You'll be able to check out a Scarabian hieroglphs, but you'll also fight two Shattered Men, who are in the room in the form of moving sarcophagi. Ice spells work well on a Shattered Man. The Mummy Wrap can be used to damage and stun an enemy for one time only.

Poo can learn Magnet Alpha at Level 21 and Brainshock Alpha at Level 24. Brainshock Alpha can confuse a single enemy. Poo will be levelling up pretty quickly when you first get him.

When you read the sign near the heiroglyphs, you'll learn about how the ancient Scarabian civilization fought against Giygas and lost. You'll also get a clue as to how to get into the Sphynx, which watches over everything. Poo will then tell you to head for Scaraba. When you leave, the man inside will give you a copy of the hieroglyphs, so you can refer back to the notes as to get back into the Sphynx at any time.

When you head downstairs, the lobby desk will be empty and the phone will be ringing. Take the call. You'll get a call from Mr. Spoon of the Fourside Museum of Natural History asking for Mr. Fork of the Scaraba Cultural Museum, telling you that he has found something fantastic.

As mentioned before, Teleport Beta makes you move around in a circle before teleporting. You can still move yourself with the D-Pad, but take care not to run into anything.

Back at Fourside, head to the Dinosaur Museum and talk to the man blocking the door again. He will want you to get Venus' signature at the Topolla Theater. Head to the Topolla Theater and see Venus' show. At one point, you'll see the guy blocking the door from earlier - who happens to be Mr. Spoon - get close to the stage at first before getting on it and being carried off by security.

Head backstage and talk to Venus. This time, she will give you one, albeit on a banana peel. You'll get the Signed Banana as well as a kiss from Venus. Head back to the Museum and give the Signed Banana to Mr. Spoon. He will tell you that in the next room, there is a manhole, and inside the manhole, he found a very large rat. You'll need to go in there to find a "Your Sanctuary" location.

The Broken Gadget will become the Double Beam when fixed. It is more powerful than the Hyper Beam.

When in the sewer, keep heading east. There are rooms where you can find treasures, but you'll also find monsters in them, too, so be careful. If your path is blocked, you'll have to swim through the water before you can get back on land.

The Stinky Ghost is another ghost enemy that can decrease a party member's offense with its odor as well as possess you with a Mini Ghost. The Deadly Mouse is a more powerful mouse enemy with a high amount of Guts.

Paula will learn Fire Theta at Level 37.

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