
Friday, May 24, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 30 of 53

Our adventures in Summers cause us to trip out and meet the fourth and final character of our party.

By exploring the port town to the east, you'll find out that you need to cross the sea to get to Scaraba, and that the Kraken will block your path if you try to head there.

The Coin of Defense is cheaper in the port town than in the beach area.

One of the people in the port town will tell you that you need to call a secret number to get into the Stoic Club. He will then give it to you. When you leave this house, you'll get a call from Tony from Winters, who is collecting players' names for a school project. You'll have quite a bit of room - 24 characters! - to put your name (or whatever you want in), and this name will be used later in the game. You'll get another change to change it a little later on.

Another person near the port will tell you that he is unable to go to sea, not because he is worried about the Kraken, but because he is worried about his wife, who is now hanging out in the Stoic Club if she is not at her Magic Cake business to the point that their marriage may be doomed.

Stuff at the store west of the Stoic Club is worth a lot, and you'll have to spend almost $10,000 just for a Diamond Band.

Once you're ready to enter the Stoic Club, call the Stoic Club, then make your way there. When you go inside, you'll find out that the Stoic Club is a very weird place. As people discuss the most complicated of things, you'll find out that the woman who makes the Magic Cake is right here in the Stoic Club, and that she is the woman in pink with the earrings near the entrance. If you talk to her afterwards, she will head outside and you'll be able to meet her to eat the Magic Cake. Her cart will be near all the steps leading down to the beach, and if you talk to her there, you'll be able to eat a Magic Cake, which will make everything look trippy.

You'll suddenly have a dream, and you'll end up in Dalaam, in the Far East. For this short part of the game, you'll be playing as Poo, the Crown Prince and the fourth and final playable character of the game. It is time for Poo to endure his final trial by going to the Place of Emptiness.

Unlike the other characters, most healing items will not heal Poo. More often than not, you will have to use PSI to heal him. If you give him bottled water, he will refill a lot of PP as opposed to just a little. There are some foods/healing items that he can eat, such as the Brain Food Lunch, but they are few and far between. He also cannot equip any weapons or armor that everyone else uses, and there are only four equipable things that end with the words "of Kings" that he can equip. You can beat the game without them, but if you can find them, you'll be doing a whole lot better.

The Brain Stone allows Poo to concentrate without using his brain, which allows him to constantly refill his PSI. Unfortunately, due to a coding mistake, the code that checks whether or not the party member does not appear; therefore, the Brain Stone does not serve its intended purpose and does nothing. Get rid of it via Escargo Express when you get Poo in the party. The Tiny Ruby will be used later. He does have some healing PSIs as well as attack PSIs.

As you head down to the southeastern area of Dalaam, talk to people and open the boxes to get the things inside.

The man with the telephone on his head is the telephone. Ness' Dad will think that Ness is sounding strange if you call him to save your game at this point.

The Jar of Delisauce can be used with any kind of food to make it work better.

The restaurant is one of the few places where you can buy a Brain Food Lunch.

You won't be able to get rid of the rabbit statues until later.

When you head all the way south, head east and talk to the guy nearby so you can climb up the ropes. When you reach the top, Poo will sit down to meditate. A girl will show up to tell you to stop meditating and come back under order of your master. Do not hit any button or else you will stand up, and you'll have to climb back down, then go back up and try this again.

As you meditate, you'll meet a spirit of your ancient lineage. He will offer to break your limbs, and when he does, say yes. Everything will soon become silent and dark, and the spirit will eventually take your mind. You'll eventually wake up, and you will have completed your training. Head back north to the palace and talk to the old man near the throne. Poo will find out about Giygas, and that he is only of four who can combat Giygas. He will also learn about Ness, Paula and Jeff. You'll level up and learn Shield Beta at Level 16, Teleport Alpha at Level 17 and Teleport Beta at Level 18. Teleport Beta lets the party travel in a circle instead of running in a straight line to teleport.

Poo will then teleport to Summers and introduce himself to the rest of the party, bringing the party to four people.

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