
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 13 of 53

Looks like we're stuck...that's where telepathy and a third playable character comes in!

At this point, head to the hotel. You'll meet a mysterious woman with sunglasses and long, blonde hair. The guy at the counter will be missing. If you follow the woman further into the hotel and into the next room, you'll be surrounded by ghosts and zombies. Before you know it, you'll be locked in a strange, underground room. If you try to open the door, you'll find out it is locked. From here, Paula will use her psychic powers to call for Jeff, the third playable character of the game, in Winters (which seems like a combination of England and Canada).

At Snow Wood Boarding House, Jeff will be woken up by Paula's psychic message. As you attempt to leave the room, Jeff's roommate Tony will wake up and tell you that there are some things in the locker room that you will need before you leave. He will then follow you.

Jeff will have a big bottle rocket, a boiled egg, a ruler, a protractor and a broken spray can in his inventory. Ditch the ruler and the protractor, as you are not going to need them. He also has $2. You'll need them.

When you leave the room, talk to everyone on the right. They will all be talking about Tessie, a Loch Ness-like monster in the southern lake, as well as the nearby Stonehenge. The door to the left of where you came out from has seven gifts for Tony's birthday party. Open them all for Cookies. They won't heal for much, but they're better than nothing. The guy on the left will tell you to say hi to Maxwell in the lab downstairs before you leave, as he always looks out for the younger students. 

Head down the stairs to the left and enter the first door. You'll find Maxwell, who will tell you about Mr. Andonuts before handing you the slightly bent key to the locker room. He will also save your game if you call him on a phone anywhere in Winters at this point.

The next room is the locker room. If you use the locker room key on any of the lockers, you will find out that the key does not work due to it being slightly bent. Go back to Maxwell and talk to him again to get the Bad Key Machine, which will open any door. You'll also find out that you are able to repair small tools and make them useful as Jeff. To do this, you'll have to rest at a hotel or other hotel-like place with Jeff in the party. As you do this with anything broken, there will be a random chance that Jeff will fix it overnight.

Head back to the locker room and open the lockers with the Bad Key Machine. You'll find a Holmes Hat, a broken air gun and a Pop Gun. You'll need these before you can leave. Equip the Holmes Hat and the Pop Gun, because you'll need them when you head out. 

To the right is the exit. With everything in hand, Tony will help you leap the gate and head off into the unknown. There's no turning back.

Near the boarding school is the drug store. Go inside and talk to the woman near the counter. Pay her $1 to get a pack of bubble gum and the monkey near the entrance. Talk to the monkey to give him a piece of gum and have him follow you around. From here, use the phone at the counter, then leave the drug store and head south.

As you head off, you'll face Runaway Dogs. The dogs will be pretty weak, and you can fight them without any problems. If you're lucky, you can find some bread rolls, which will heal more than the cookies. Keep in mind that Jeff usually fights with guns and other distance weapons, and as a result, he will have less accuracy than the other party members and will not be able to land critical hits. Also unlike other party members, Jeff does not have any PP, and therefore cannot cast spells.

Also, the monkey will sometimes stand still and sometimes look around as you move, and if any enemies run into the monkey, it will be the same as the enemies running into you. At least the monkey can do damage at times during battle, even if the monkey does only 1 HP of damage.

As you head towards the southern lake, you will find tents. The first one acts as a healing point if you talk to the guy on the left.

The Gruff Goats are more powerful than the Runaway Dogs, so make sure you fight the dogs for levels and bread rolls before you take them on. 

You'll soon see more tents, where men with binoculars are moving around looking for Nessie. At this point, you'll have reached the southern lake. The tent at the far left will be a place you can heal up and rest. Do that to advance the plot. As you rest, you'll get another message from Bird telling you where to find them in Threed.

The broken spray can that Jeff starts out with with is a Defense Spray, which can increase one party member's defense during battle. It can only be used once.

It will be daybreak when you leave the tent. You may have noticed a brown spot near the lake. You'll want to head there. As you do, you will run into the photographer at the nearby tent, where you can also use a phone to save the game.

When you stand on the brown spot, the monkey will ask for some gum. You will give the monkey some gum, and he will fly towards teh lake where he will land on Tessie's head. From here, you'll be able to take a ride on Tessie to the other side. Tessie will then swim away. Once again, there is no turning back.

There will soon be a pencil-shaped iron statue blocking your path. You won't be able to get rid of that statue until later, so just go into the nearby cave. When you do, you'll enter Brick Road the Dungeon Man's dungeon. Here, you will fight Rowdy Mouses, Mad Ducks and Worthless Protoplasms that masquerade as fake gift boxes. Thankfully, there is a bread roll in a gift box just west of the entrance.

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