
Sunday, October 2, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Jurassic Park for Super Nintendo AGAIN - Part 3 of 9

In this entry, we head further to the southeast to get Dennis Nedry's ID card, then we get the computers rebooted back at the Visitor's Center.

Northeast of the Visitor's Center is a jungle area. I explore this area for some eggs and other things.

Now that both dark rooms have been covered, it's time to go to through that maze to the Beach Utility Shed. Go east of the visitor's center, then enter that area to the south.

To find Dennis Nedry's ID card, go left at the start, and once you go through the door here, keep going straight and you'll be in the room where it's in. The Beach Utility Shed isn't very big, so it's kinda hard to get lost here.

You'll need Donald Gennaro's ID card to enter this elevator, but once you do have it, you'll be able to get Ray Arnolds' ID card and access to the rest of the sub-level.

After we take a trek back to the visitor's center, it's back to the entrance elevator and up to the first floor. Now that we have Dennis Nedry's ID card, we can open the door and access the computer here. Reboot the main system (it's a touch screen, so it's definitely a no-brainer), then you'll be at the menu. Select Park Control, then select Motion Sensor to complete the mission here and get your motion sensor (that yellow radar-dish looking thing above your health bar in the overworld) working again. While you're here, you can go to Gate Controls and you'll be able to unlock one of the three electronic gates. Keep in mind that if you unlock one of the gates, the other two will be locked no matter what, so remember which one you chose. You'll be using this option a few times throughout the game.

If you select User Options and select Inventory, you'll see all the ID cards in your possession as well as whether or not your goggles are charged for your current indoor location. If you select Help, you'll be able to get some gameplay hints, such as using L and R to fine tune where you're facing indoors. 

As you look around, you'll find a door that you won't be able to access until you acquire Dr. Wu's identification card. This blocks entry to a computer you'll be using later. Don't worry about [b]that[/b] right now, though. You have another awesome mission to take care of!

If you need an extra life, head for the dark room here on Floor 1 and take out the Raptor inside. There. It's free for the taking. Now get out of here.

Now that you're back out of the Visitor's Center, enjoy all the dots that show up on your motion sensor. Different dinosaurs are represented by different colored dots. Hey, at least those raptors won't be able to sneak up on you now.

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