
Monday, November 8, 2021

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy II AGAIN - Part 48 of 65

The monsters get nastier as we get further into the tower...

The monsters get more powerful as you go further up the tower.

The second and third floors contain all fire-related items, including another Flame Shield. The third floor is also full of lava. The Flame Helm, interestingly, protects against Ice, unlike the Flame Armor.

The T.Mlboros (Terra Malboros) are Earth-elemental enemies, so use the Gaia sword against them. They can also Poison and Paralyze your party members.

When you talk to the mage blocking your path to the fifth floor, it will change into a Fire Gigas (F.Gigas). This guy is really powerful and can hit you with Fire 16, and unless you have an extremely powerful Ice spell, you won't be able to damage him substantially enough with Ice. Use Barrier, inflict Curse, hit him hard and keep your party's HP high...and hit him with Toad or Mini if you can!

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