
Monday, December 21, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 6 - Part 7 of 8

Now that we know that Mr. X is really Dr. Wily, it's time for another fortress. What is with all these bait-and-switch villain reveals in the latter half of the NES series?

Dr. Wily Stage 1

The upside down fans will blow you down and make it harder to jump. You'll have to gauge your jump carefully to get where you want to go.

The Sniper Joes on the gunner's chairs are really easy to take out.

You'll be dropping down a few corridors and falling through gaps in walls of spikes for a few screens. At two consecutive points, you'll have to use the Jet Adaptor to jump down, turn around and use the jetpack to get past the spikes so you can move further down.

The boss for this stage is a mechanical dragon. Avoid the fireballs it spits at you, and use the platforms that come out its torso to shoot the dragon in the eyes with the Yamato Spear. You can also use the Mega Buster or the Power Armor.

Dr. Wily Stage 2

Be careful at the start, as the ground is iced over. Thankfully, the ice physics don't show up past the beginning.

You'll see those accursed disappearing blocks again. This time around, you'll be able to use the Jet Adaptor to make this somewhat easier, but make sure you switch back to normal Mega Man so you can slide.

The boss here is a cannon on legs that shoot out black balls and the usual energy bullets. Shoot at the cannon at the top with the Mega Buster. If it gets too close, have some energy tanks ready and use Wind Storm.

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