
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Empire Strikes Back - Part 10 of 12

It's nighttime in Cloud City...and the bounty hunters are out to play!

 Cloud City 2

This level is full of platform jumping that is even more difficult than what you've seen so far. Three of the jumps will test your double jump to its limit, since you have to reach the same height as the next platform on the apex of your double jump and deal with enemies at the same time. To make your way up there, jump off the platform so that it rises back to its normal level, then double jump as soon as your feet touch the ground again. It takes a bit of practice, but it can be done.

To beat Boba Fett, shoot at him when he's in the air and use your spin attack on him when he's on the ground. Give yourself some distance when he's in the air, as Fett's rapid ions bounce off the floor and ceiling, creating a shield of sorts around him.

When you defeat him, he'll fly away leaving three large health power-ups behind, which is more than enough to completely refill your health with. Continue on, and you'll meet up with his ship, the Slave I. Use the same strategy as before, and you'll cruise your way to victory!

Sadly, this is the last stage where you play as Chewbacca. Only two levels? Where's the love? Since Han Solo is now frozen in carbonite, you'll be playing the rest of the game as Luke. Destiny awaits!

Cloud City Battle

You'll be flying around in the X-Wing this time. Finally, you get to pilot this thing again!

This level, however, makes the attack on the Death Star look like child's play. The ground here is a layer of clouds that you can fly through. The problem with being under the clouds, however, is that when you're under there, your HUD disappears, making it impossible to keep track of your health if you get hit...and enemies will definitely be coming from both sides!

You'll have to destroy fifteen Cloud Cars before you can move on...and this won't be easy!

Keep the fire button held down the entire time, and fire proton torpedoes with the shoulder buttons in inflict more damage on the Cloud Cars, as it takes a bit to bring them down. Weave up and down, going in and out of the clouds so you won't get ambushed often. When you finally start seeing two or three on the screen at the same time, go in a circle. You'll eventually take them all out, and minimize the amount of damage you'll take in the process.

I did not know that the clouds were a recolor of the floor from The Battle of Hoth until this video. Just wanna bring that up.

When you destroy the last one, fly towards Cloud City. It's time for Luke to face his destiny!

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