
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Empire Strikes Back - Part 11 of 12

"No...that's not true...that's impossible!"

Oh, but it's true, Luke Skywalker. You're near the end of the game.

Vader's Lair 1

The Stormtroopers here are now red. I guess they didn't have enough memory to give us the Emperor's Crimson Guard, so they just gave us recolors. That's pretty lazy for LucasArts standards.

There are laser turrets in the ground and laser guns in the background, the latter of which activate when you get in close to them.

When you finally reach the platform jumping section, the Snowtroopers on the jetbikes start flying around to screw you up. The lightsaber makes quick work of them, so always double jump to the next platform with the lightsaber equipped to take care of them and any bombs they release into the air.

The platforms cover a lot more space in the level and require a few leaps of faith at times. Use the shoulder buttons to look for the next platform if you're not sure where to go next.

After the platforms, drop down and you'll face Darth Vader. Block his attacks, and hit him after he drops back down from flying around (he stands there doing nothing for about one second before attacking again). Saber throwing also works pretty well against him, as does the Invisibility power-up, if you have them.

When you beat Darth Vader, he'll fly away. You'll then have a choice between the high road and the low road. Cross the platforms and stay on top so you won't have to fight any enemies.

After this, there's some more epic platform jumping. There is one platform that requires the technique from the second Chewbacca level in order to reach, so you'd better have it down to a science. (Of course, you could use Levitation for this one, making it easier. Sucks to be you, Chewbacca!) If you take the low road here before taking the high road, you'll get three large health power-ups and three Force power-ups at the end of it for your trouble.

The Stormtroopers on jetpacks rear their ugly heads again near the end. Fortunately, if you step to the right just enough, they'll spawn before they can push you around mid-jump.

When you meet up with Vader again, you'll fight him a second time. He stands around more often this time, giving you more opportunities to hit him. When you defeat him, Vader will use the Force to knock you out the window! Use the Force, Luke!

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