
Thursday, January 10, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Empire Strikes Back - Part 12 of 12

Here's the original video, complete with "Nothing's Gonna Stand In Our Way" by Spectre General" in the Vader battle... (WARNING: If you're currently outside of the United States, you may not be able to see this one.)

 ...and here's the redone version, re-recorded for viewing outside of the USA!

Vader's Lair 2

You'll start the level falling down, collecting Rebel Alliance icons. This the last point in the game where you can do this, so grab as many as you can!

The red Stormtroopers as well as the jetpack Stormtropers will be out in full force. You'll be on the same platform for a little while at times to fight off the Stormtroopers on jetpacks, and you'll sometimes be switching to the blaster to pick off some of the red Stormtroopers at times.

When you reach the doorway, press Up to enter it.

Final Battle With Vader

This is the same, except the battle is insanely long.

His new attack here is pretty easy to figure out...but not right away. He'll jump straight at you regardless of where you are, then he'll send all sorts of metal pieces at you as soon as he blocks. Double jump to attack all these things, and pick up the Force power-up that one of them leaves behind.

When he's low on health, the metal pieces will keep flying at you with absolutely no end. When that starts happening, do nothing but double jump, and use the double jump to kill Vader.

Congratulations! You've won!

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