
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Empire Strikes Back - Part 9 of 12

This level is even worse than the last. Screw the Ugnaught Factory being the hardest level, it's the Carbonite Factory!

Carbonite Factory

First off, this is the last level where you play as Han before he gets frozen in carbonite. Boo!

The flames that come out of the pipes in the level can damage you. Also, the claws that spin around lunge downward at you as soon as you're under them. If you can shoot them down, they'll drop a bunch of small hearts...useful if you're in dire need of health.

The pillars with the gold flashing spheres shoot those Cloud Car lasers at you. They can easily be shot down, but they can be annoying since they're usually located near at least one enemy, usually grenade-tossing Snowtroopers. Yeesh, fuck the ghetto, welcome to Bespin. Fortunately, these floors don't allow for lasers to reflect off of them, so don't worry about that.

The pipes on the walls shoot out carbonite (I guess that's what it is, since this is a carbonite factory) and freeze you. Be careful when you have to drop down or take an elevator trip up. The latter is when they're worse, since you have a higher chance of being frozen solid for a few seconds, but thankfully you can shoot these pipes down.

The orbs from the Ugnaught Factory also make a return appearance here, and they're even worse this time around simply because of the level design of the carbonite factory. There's nothing worse than jumping around and running straight into one of their fireballs, losing a chunk of health and being back where you started from.

The boss here is some sort of carbonite manufacturing machine. This thing will shoot carbonite that freezes you, and has pipes that do the same thing. This thing fight similarly to the Tractor Beam Core in the last game, and you can use the same strategy: go all the way up to the top left and keep shooting at it. You'll take damage, but it'll be dead before you are.

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