
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Empire Strikes Back - Part 8 of 12

The good news is, this is a short video compared to the last one. The better news is, you get to play as Chewbacca. Finally!

Ugnaught Factory

Those midgets with the white hair are Ugnaughts. They're the beings that dismantled (but not deactivated) C-3PO in the movie. Strangely, our heroes actually meet them in the game...or at least one of them. They're quite fast and they respawn almost as soon as you blast them to smithereens. They don't shoot at you, but they push you back with what looks like some sort of spiky shield. They can be armies of one if you're not careful, especially if their surrounded by other enemies.

Chewie's secondary attack is a spin attack. To use it, press and hold A. This definitely helps out if you're stuck in a tight spot with one or two enemies, or if you're sharing a narrow platform with enemies. You're also invincible when you use it. You can only spin for as long as you have energy in the spin meter on the upper-right hand corner, but it doesn't take very long for it to recharge. It's a shame you don't get to use him very much in this game, though, since his spin attack is pretty cool and pretty useful.

The sections where you hop on lumps of metal on top of lava is self-explanatory enough, but the other danger here is the turrets on the ceiling that shoot those Cloud Car-style lasers at you, making getting from one side to the other in sections as quickly and as pain-free as possible the order of the day.

Blast upwards in the nooks where the Snowtroopers with the shields throw grenades. You'll be able to find some hidden power-ups here.

Some of these sections will also have doors that open and close, spawning purple orbs that follow you around, pushing you one direction or the other. When they open up, they launch a fireball towards the ground that can do a lot of damage. This is the only time you can damage them, making them a real annoyance.

After this, you'll see the same ceiling turrets from the lava platform sections lining parts of the walls. Thankfully, they (like their ceiling counterparts) can be destroyed with the gun. The Ugnaughts will also be throwing what look like rocks at you, giving them the ability to hit you from a distance. What jerks!

The last lava pool before the boss doesn't have those platforms. Instead, you'll have to wait for a platform hanging from the ceiling comes your way so you can jump onto it. You can then take the last, long elevator ride to the boss.

The boss here is some sort of machine on chains controlled by an Ugnaught. Destroy the three pieces of armor in the corners, and you'll be able to deplete the machine's health. Be careful not to let those platforms sink into the lava, and watch out for turret fire.

When you beat it, the machine lets the bubble with the Ugnaught loose, and it'll fly around shooting rapid ion cannons at you. If you have the Plasma gun, you should be able to beat it in no time at all. Otherwise, you'll be doing a lot of jumping to avoid the Ugnaught and its firepower.

After that, double jump to the right and you'll reach C-3PO, who is surprisingly in one piece. Touch him and the level's over.

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