
Thursday, July 18, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Tombs and Treasure - Part 2 of 4

Now that we've made some progress, let's make even more progress and solve some more puzzles! And also fight some more monsters! Because that's apparently a thing!

Your next destination is El Caracol, which is straight west from the Well of Paradise.

El Caracol

If you do anything here, Snake Master will show up. Join the Red Jewel with the Sword, then Fight the Snake Master with The Boy, and he will eventually go down. If you run low on health, go backwards and re-enter, then fight again.

Look at the Small Window. The Court of Columns can be seen in the distance. From here, go backwards. Look at the Pedestal, and you'll notice it is designed to hold a globe. Jose will tell you that this place is designed to be an observatory and that there should be a way to climb up higher. Put the Silver Globe on the Pedestal. If you look at the Silver Globe now, you'll find out that a beautiful sound will awaken the globe. Switch to The Girl and have her use the Golden Pipes. The globe will become transparent and a beam of light will shoot out through the Small Window like a laser. From here, you can leave.

Your next destination is the Court of Columns, which is to the northwest. It is also west of the Well of Sacrifice. 

Court of Columns

You'll see El Slug if you look around. You should be strong enough to fight El Slug at this point. Once El Slug is down, look at the Column. You'll notice a Column shining in the back of the court. If you look at the Ground, you'll notice it is suspicious. Smash the Ground to find a Golden Globe, which you'll need to take.

Go backwards, then go backwards again.

From here, head to El Caracol again.

El Caracol

Take the Silver Globe off the pedestal and put the Golden Globe on it. The globe will fit on the pedestal. Have The Girl use the Golden Pipes, and a light will shoot out of the globe. From here, go backwards to leave, then head to the Court of Columns.

Court of Columns

Go back to the Column. Smash the Ground again. This time, you'll find a Silver Head. If you look at it, you'll notice both of the eyes are open. Take the Silver Head.

Head to Castillo Pyramid. It's just south from here.

Castillo Pyramid

Go forward and Put the Silver Head on the statue. An entrance will open in the floor when you put the Silver Head on the statue. Go down to enter a secret basement. If you look at the Stone Box, you'll find a leather bag inside. You'll take the Incense. From here, take both the Small and Large Flasks in the room.

From here, go back up, then leave this area and go back to El Caracol, which will be to the southwest from here.

El Caracol

Take the Golden Globe, then change to Jose and have him push the pedestal. This will open up a staircase. (If you did this earlier, you wouldn't have been able to get the Golden Globe or the Silver Head, as the pedestal does not move back.) Go up, and you'll find another pedestal on the second floor. Put the Golden Globe on the pedestal, and light from the left-hand window will bounce off the globe onto the wall. (If that doesn't happen, use the Wait command until it does.) Look at the Wall to look at the lit-up stone panel, then Smash the Wall. You'll find a Crystal Key. Take it, then go backwards.

Take the Golden Globe off the pedestal, then put the Gold Stand on the pedestal followed by the Golden Globe. If you need to, keep waiting until light hits the Golden Globe. Light will hit the globe from the right-hand window. Change to The Girl and use the Golden Pipes to get the light to hit the wall. Look at the Wall to see that the lit-up part of the wall is pink. Smash the Wall to find a Silver Censer, which is an incense burner. Take the Censer (it doesn't matter who you do all this with), then go downstairs and go backwards.

From here, head to the Temple of Warriors. It is to the northeast, and it is directly east of the Court of Columns.

Temple of Warriors

If you look around here, you'll meet the Cadaver. Fight the Cadaver as The Boy. You should be strong enough to take this thing on now.

Once the Cadaver is defeated, look at the Sun Necklace. You'll see that it is too dirty to see clearly, even though it has a complicated pattern and a one-inch jewel in the center. Take the Sun Necklace. You'll break the base, but you'll take it.

If you try to take the Blue Jewel, the jaguar statue will turn into a real jaguar. Go backwards, then re-enter. Look at the Hole. You'll find a rusty Iron Key inside. If you try to take the Iron Key as The Girl, she will tell you that you can get the key if you had a magnet of some kind. Use the Small Rod, and you'll get the Iron Key to stick to it so you can take it. From here, head backwards until you leave.

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