
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays The Ring of Time - Part 2 of 3

Now that we've made some progress in this game, let's make some more!

At the start of this video, I remember to FILL JUG at the lake and DROP KEY, which I should have done after unlocking the door at the other side of the lake. That's taken care of.

Head back to the monastery. TAKE PENKNIFE, then go east twice. TAKE BOOTS, then CUT PAINTING with the penknife in your inventory. You'll find a safe behind the painting. UNLOCK SAFE, and the game will ask you for the combination. Give the exact combination that the game gave you from burning the parchment earlier, complete with dashes. Do not enter a space at the beginning. By getting the combination right, you'll open the safe and reveal a leather saddle. TAKE SADDLE, then DROP PENKNIFE.

Go west, then go north. You'll be in the dining hall, where a mad monk has taken control of the area. If you try to go east past the monk, he gets in your way. KILL MONK with the sword in your inventory, then FRISK MONK to find a necklace. TAKE NECKLACE, then WEAR NECKLACE. You can finally go east now that the monk is dead. DROP SWORD. In the next room, you will find sugar lumps if you OPEN CUPBOARDS and SEARCH CUPBOARDS. TAKE SUGAR. Go north to enter the larder and find a coil of rope. TAKE ROPE.

Go south, west, south, west, and south again. Go west until you reach the intersection, then DROP BOOTS, DROP SADDLE, DROP JUG and DROP SUGAR. Go back to the cave. TAKE CANDLE. TAKE MATCHES. LIGHT CANDLE. Go south until you reach the lake, then SWIM LAKE. LIGHT CANDLE again, then go east, north, east and DROP CANDLE and TAKE CANDLE again at the cave. You can also BLOW CANDLE to blow out the candle without dropping it.

At the cave, go east. You'll be outside of the cave. Go south, south, east, and north to enter an old, crumbling mill. THROW ROPE, then CLIMB ROPE to find a shovel on the upper floor. TAKE SHOVEL, go down, then TAKE ROPE. Go south, west, north, north, then GO CAVE once you are outside of the cave. LIGHT CANDLE, go west, south, west. SWIM LAKE, LIGHT CANDLE, then go north until you reach the hole. DROP CANDLE and DROP MATCHES. Thankfully, you won't have to go through here anymore.

Go up, then west, then north until you reach the intersection. Head west towards the cottage, then go west at the cottage garden to go back to the large oak tree. THROW ROPE, then CLIMB ROPE. At the top of the tree is a magpie's nest. SEARCH NEST to find a small silver bell. TAKE BELL. Go down. Leave the rope, because you won't be needing it again. Go back to the intersection, TAKE BOOTS, WEAR BOOTS. Head to the stables, then RING BELL to summon a horse. DROP BELL, since you won't need the bell anymore. GIVE SUGAR to feed the sugar lumps to the horse, then go back to the intersection and TAKE SADDLE and TAKE JUG. Head back to the stables and SADDLE HORSE.

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