
Monday, June 10, 2024

Rainiac plays Kickmaster - Part 8 of 8

We finally take on Belzed and save the kingdom in this explosive finale!

Sector 8: Belzed's Haunted Tower

The first part of this level is a vertical climb. You'll be dealing mostly with enemies from the last sector, including the spinning blue projectiles, which you'll want to destroy immediately. Take your time and make sure you don't fall past the bottom of the screen at any point. Make sure you get your MP back to full as you're here, as you're going to need the MP.

The first mini-boss you'll face here is the demon who kidnapped the princess! He will dive back and forth in addition to flying back and forth. You'll want to stay close to him and keep hitting him with the Double Front Kick in the air, and you'll want to avoid the spinning blades that he shoots at you.

When you reach Level 7, which is the maximum level you can reach, you'll learn the Blazing Flip Kick, which replaces the upward kick that you've had from the beginning of the game. Hold Up and press B to hit an enemy in front of you with a flip kick and deal powerful damage.

From the first mini-boss battle, head left. Take out the knights and make sure you get above the steam so it doesn't touch you. Use the Magic Boots magic here to walk on the spikes and get to the second mini-boss, which is a centaur. Avoid the arrows and keep smashing him with the Blazing Flip Kick. He's done.

At this point, the easy part of the level is over, as the next vertical section has balls falling from the top of the screen and spikes coming out from underneath the floor on certain platforms. You'll also have to deal with the mages that teleport in and out of the screen to hit you with fireballs that home in on you. As always, take your time, and always land near the edge of a platform rather than the center of one in case of spikes.

The third mini-boss, which takes place in this final vertical section, is the stone dragon mini-boss from Sector 3. This will be even easier this time around, as you can use the Earthquake magic when the mini-boss is somewhere you can easily destroy them with the Double Butterfly Kick without having to worry much about the falling balls.

After you get to the top, break through the blocks and go left, you'll finally face Belzed herself. Of course, you'll have to fight the four statues, one at a time, to get to them. Keep hitting the statues in the head with Flying Kicks, and they'll eventually turn into random normal enemies until they eventually die. At least they're easier to deal with once they keep transforming. When they're frogs, keep hitting them with the Double Front Kick while they're airborne, as they can turn into the armadillo soldiers.

You'll soon face Belzed after taking out all four statues. Watch the skies to avoid the lightning, which can do a whole bar of damage, and use the Earthquake magic when Belzed is where you can get her in order to do some damage. Once you beat Belzed, Thonolan will use his Harpy Magic to fly the princess out of Belzed's castle and get out of there. You've just beaten Kick Master!

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