
Monday, June 10, 2024

Rainiac plays Kickmaster - Part 7 of 8

You know you're getting closer to the end of the game when you face a clone of yourself who can fight just like you can.

Sector 7: A Long Way From Home

The dark blue enemies that roll at you are slow and pretty easy to defeat with the knee drop. There are also spinning blue projectiles that will fly at you, so watch out.

The first mini-boss is a horned beast that fights much like the Chimera from Round 5. The knee drop and flying kick are nice ways to damage it in the air. Use the flight magic to get the pick-ups that appear above you afterwards.

At Level 6, you'll learn the Double Butterfly Kick, which replaces the High Kick to Roundhouse from Level 4. Hold Left or Right and then press B to perform it once you reach Level 6. This lets you attack enemies coming at you from both sides.

You'll then face the fleaman from Round 5. Same strategies apply. There will be power-ups above you afterwards that you can fly up and get.

Shortly after the fleaman, you'll face multiple gargoyles at once. Use the Whip Lightning to take them all out. 

The third mini-boss is a giant bat that comes out of a coffin. Get close before the battle begins and lay waste to it with the Double Front Kick, and remember that it fights much like the boss at the end of Round watch those lightning strikes! You'll then have to fight another fleaman after this, so get that Double Front Kick ready during the dives.

Now it's time to fight the actual boss...which is a clone of yourself! He has all the kicks you have, including the Blazing Flip Kick that you'll learn at Level 7. Keep your distance and keep using Slide Kicks, and do not let him trap you in the corner under any circumstances.

After this, you'll have to fight a spider. The spider boss will go up and down throughout the battle, and you'll need to be ready to kick it with the Double Front Kick to do damage to it and the spider it drops on the way down in addition to clearing up the web strands that get in your way. This battle takes a while, so you'll want to be patient here.

Beating this sector nets you the Earthquake magic, which freezes all on-screen enemies at the cost of just 20 MP.

No turning back now...

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