
Friday, June 7, 2024

Rainiac plays Kickmaster - Part 3 of 8

In this entry, we take on a whole slew of new enemies, get some mysterious magic, and take on multiple boss battles!

Sector 3: Belzed's First Stronghold

The knight will either leap toward you or slash at you if you get too close. Hit the knights with the knee drop when possible.

The first chest has a heart. The second chest has a magic potion to refill MP with. Before the third chest is a mage that floats in the air and shoots projectiles. Keep hitting him with upward kicks and knee drops. The third chest also has a magic potion. 

You will move more slowly on the oozed-up purple floors.

The fourth chest is a mimic, and if you get too close, it will jump up and lunge at you. Feel free to knee drop any chests you come across to get the jump on mimics.

The enemies that look like mushrooms will hop towards you. Once again, hit them with the knee drop. By the time you see these enemies, there will be a bunch of shield pick-ups that act as free EXP, so make sure you get them all. Just watch out for those droplets.

After the free EXP section, there will be a wall of destructible rocks. Break through them (and get 100 points each!) to find a passage leading to some chests. One of the contains the ?? magic, which will ??. Yes, that's what the game says. We will need it later, though. After you get this spell, get all the power-ups to the left to refill your health and magic, among other things.

The second mini-boss is a skeleton dragon. This thing will alternate between flying around and staying in one place. If it's at your level, hit it with the knee drop; otherwise, kick upwards in mid-air. There is a third mini-boss in the form of a knight, but if you keep going right and do the slide kick next to him as soon as he appears, you can skip him entirely...and fight a gargoyle. Well, that's one less battle, I suppose.

To beat the gargoyle, watch for the lasers that come down so you can avoid him, and get your kicks in while he's on the ground. Be careful when he is in the air when you're doing those upward kicks in mid-air, as he will shoot two projectiles diagonally downwards to the sides. He can also stay there for a while, so if he's in the air, avoid the projectiles and wait for him to come to you! If he is somehow right above you on his descent when you are on the ground, you can keep kicking him upwards to kick him in the groin and get some good damage in. Beating him will give you the Lightning Spirit Magic. For 20 MP, you can rain thunder and lightning down on your enemies, especially powerful and quick-moving ones.

With that, we've beaten this sector! On to Sector 4!

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