
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Rainiac plays Kickmaster - Part 1 of 8

Here's another one that I remember from Nick Arcade. I've always wanted to dig into this one for some time.

The once peaceful kingdom of Lowrel has been attacked and burned by the evil wizard Belzed's monstrous forces. The King and Queen are killed, and their only child, the Princess Silphee, is kindapped. All of the King's guards are defeated in battle, except for the powerful knight Macren. Macren and his younger brother Thonolan, an aspiring martial artist, take off on a long journey to rescue Princess Silphee, and defeat the wicked Belzed. They start their long struggle in the witches' forest outside the kingdom of Lowrel.

Whenn Macren and Thonolan reach the forest, the find one of the "scummy" living skeletons who attacked the king. The skeleton manages to fatally wound Macren, and it is left to Thonolan to rescue the Princess, as only with his great kicking skills is there hope for victory. You'll be playing as Thonolan.

Sector 1: The Witches' Forest

Controls are pretty simple. Left and Right on the D-Pad allow you to move left and right, Down lets you crouch. Up is used with some of the moves that you'll have as well as learn throughout the game. A jumps, and B attacks. Start pauses and brings up the magic spell menu, where you can use the D-Pad to select a spell and Start to equip it. Select lets you use the magic spell that you have equipped, but make sure you have enough MP before using it.

At the bottom of the screen, you have your current amount of experience points and your MP on the far left. When you max out on experience points, you'll go up a level and you will learn a new move, earn an extra hit point and earn 100 extra MP. The highest level you can reach is Level 7. MP is used to catch sells. To the right of that is the spell that you currently have equipped, followed by your current level and the number of lives that you have remaining. To the right of all that is your current health as well as the health meter for the boss, should you be fighting one.

At the start of the game, you can press B to do a high kick, and you can kick while crouching by holding Down and pressing B to do a sweep kick. Holding Up and pressing B allows you to perform a kick that goes upwards and hits enemies above you. 

The enemies here are pretty easy for the most part. The skeletons strike if you get close enough, and the little guys in the robes with beaks hop up and down and require a sweep kick. The guys flying around with the scythes dive when they are right next to you.

When you defeat enemies, items will fly out of them. They are as follows:

Heart (shaped like a heart): Restores 1 HP of health.

Magic (small) (shaped like a beaker): Restores 5 MP.

Magic (large) (shaped like a beaker with a handle): Restores 10 MP.

Experience Coin (small) (shaped like a circle with a face): Gives 10 EXP.

Experience Coin (medium) (shaped like a shield with a face): Gives 30 EXP.

Experience Coin (large) (shaped like some sort of crest looking thing): Gives 50 EXP.

Jewel (shaped like a gemstone): Gives 100 points.

1-Up (the word 1UP): Gives an extra life.

Poison (shaped like a skull and crossbones): Decreases your life meter. Do not collect this.

You'll need to pick up the coins to earn experience, as simply defeating enemies will not do it.

You'll eventually find a chest. Kick it to open. This contains your first spell, the Bouncing Bulb. By equipping it and pressing Select, you can through a fireball that bounces back and forth until it either hits an enemy or flies off-screen. You'll need 3 MP to cast it. You can also aim it upwards, much like the vertical kick that you have.

The yellow things that look like lizards with axes just stay in place. They will attack if you get close enough, and when they do, they do it every few seconds. They're still easy to defeat, regardless.

When you reach Level 1, you'll learn the knee drop. To perform the knee drop, you'll need to jump, then hold Down and press B to perform the move. This lets you hit enemies from above more easily.

The boss here is this witch that flies around. She can summon armadillo soldiers that go down in one hit and she can attack with projectiles from above. Keep your distance, and jump up and kick her. You'll especially want to do that if you can get behind here. As for the armadillo soldiers, they occasionally roll towards you while slowly marching in one direction, and you can take them out easily with a knee drop if necessary. This boss is a push-over.

The which drops quite a few items, so get all the health, magic and experience you can. You'll also get the Life Up 1 spell, which costs 60 MP (which can be a bit expensive at this point in the game) and allows you to restore 2 HP.

You'll also get a password when you complete a level. It remembers which spells you've picked up, so be ready to write it down and keep it in a safe place.

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