
Monday, May 20, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Widget - Part 2 of 4

Two stages for the price of one! Let's get stuff done!

Stage 3: Dr. Dante

Believe it or not, you need to head here first and beat Dr. Dante to get something you'll need for Stage 2. Dr. Dante is stealing Earth's precious minerals and selling them to aliens from other planets and galaxies for crude, inflated profits to the point that it will put the planet into a crisis. Not surprisingly, Widget has to stop him.

When you enter this area, be ready to destroy the snake as quickly as possible, as the snake has bullets that track much like the gators'. Jump the gap with the low spiked ceiling by gently tapping the A button so you make a low hop as you go right. The bats will fly up and down as they approach.

There is a ladder below, and there is a fake wall to the right that allows you to get to it. You can get to the crystal ball that acts as a full MP refill, but you'll need the Dolphin Widget form from Stage 4 to get to the red star to increase health, as you'll drown and slowly lose health otherwise.

When you climb up above ground, don't go to the left unless you have the Bird-Man form, or else you'll have to use Mega-Brain to escape and start all over. The white enemies will bounce forward, bounce up, bounce back, bounce up and repeat until they are destroyed. The Bird-Man form is used to get the gun speed pick-up above the house. The house reminds me of Wacky Races for some reason.

You'll then enter a forest, which also reminds me of Wacky Races. The apples bounce back and forth when they drop, and they also have a weird stretching effect when they do. They go down after a few bullets. There is a ladder after where you first start in the forest, but further to the right are some cracked tiles. You'll need to use the Rock-Man Widget form from Stage 2 to break the tiles. Beyond the tiles is a blue star that extends your MP.

After climbing your way up the trees (where you'll find another gun speed power-up if you're willing to get it with the Mouse form) and using the fast, lengthy leap of the Mouse form to reach the final door of the forest, you'll enter a castle. The knights will slowly approach, but if you shoot them, they speed up. Be ready to mash the B button to take them out before they can hit you, although you may take a hit. Use the Mouse form to get through the tight spaces and get to the ladder leading up. The gray snakes are just like the green ones you saw earlier in the stage, so get rid of them. Past that ladder is a small orb that refills a few MP.

When you go up the ladder, stay on the ladder so that the big white enemy jumps around and into the wall, then out of your way. From there, use a small hop to get to the platform after the ladder, followed by a big jump to the left to get to the door where Dr. Dante is.

Dr. Dante will run around and throw needles up that will spin in place in mid-air for a second before coming down at you diagonally. When he is in his normal, peaceful scientist form, you can't hit him. You can only him when he is in his punk rocker form. If you can get close and mash the fire button, you should be able to destroy him in seconds. Afterwards, Dr. Dante will be astounded at his defeat. You'll also get the Bird-Man Widget form, which allows you to fly around like a pterodactyl for a limited time and shoot at enemies in the air with fireballs. This form costs 3 MP to use.

Stage 2: Bizarre Brain

In this stage, Bizarre Brain has stolen a mother whale's baby while smuggling whales, and it's up to Widget to find his hideout and save the whales.

At the start, you'll need to shoot at the snail in the shell while his head is sticking out, and avoid his bullets. The oyster enemies are only vulnerable when they open up to shoot fireballs straight ahead. The octopus tentacle in the pot is indestructible and must be avoided, which is easy to do. The crabs shoot multiple fireballs that can track you, but if you keep your distance, you can beat them. The sea urchin enemies that move back and forth are also indestructible and are best avoided, especially since you'll be seeing them in greater numbers later.

You'll need the Rock-Man Widget form to get past the purple cracked tiles after the start to get the health increase. As for the ladder leading upwards, you'll need the Bird-Man form to get the MP increase.

The Widget face icon is an extra life. Thankfully, you can use the Bird-Man form to get it.

At the start of the second section, you'll need the Bird-Man form to get across the water. If you don't have it yet, go back to Stage 3 with Mega-Brain's Escape feature and beat Dr. Dante to get that form. Afterwards, it's a straight move forward to the next section, which is an ice cave. You'll need the Dolphin Widget form to get the red star in the third section. Just watch out for the shark enemies that are swimming back and forth, and fire at them if you see them.

In the ice cave, watch out for the urchins that dog your path as they move back and forth, and be mindful of the ice physics that will make you slide around unless you jump straight up. If you can take out enemies ahead of time, do it; enemies don't come back when you scroll their location off the screen after defeating them in this game. There is an easy gun speed pick-up to grab at the end of the first section, and there is a ladder leading down at the far right side of the second section that leads to a blue star. If you don't have enough MP for the Mouse form, move into the narrow gap, and duck while moving. If you get stuck, move in the direction you want to go for a section, duck and you'll slide a little more, which can really help. After getting that blue star, you'll have to platform your way to the door near the start of the second section.

You'll then face Bizarre Brain. Bizarre Brain's head flies around and appears and disappears while his hands move around a bit and throw lightning bolts. Watch the hands and the bolts, and keep an eye out for the head and be ready to shoot. If you need to, hold Up while firing to angle your shot upwards. Save the heart in the room for when you get low on health. After enough hits, Bizarre Brain goes down, and you'll rescue the baby whale for a very thankful whale mother. You'll also get the Rock-Man Widget form, which allows you to break cracked blocks by punching or moving into them, although you'll be pretty slow. It costs 4 MP to use.

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