
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Part 5 of 54

Our adventure takes us to Endako. While there, we find out that Megacorp's influence in this part of the galaxy is not like it was in the first game's galaxy.

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The start of the video has me finally getting the Skill Point for getting three bars on any of the slot machines at Maktar Nebula.

Also, why did I say that we got the Dynamo? We got the Electrolyzer!

Anyway, let's head to Barlow!

3:22 - We're taking this path to do what I want to do for this video.

Also, the Gravity Bomb evolves into the Mini-Nuke, which is much more powerful.

4:40 - Remember to strafe so the guy on top of the creature with the gun doesn't shoot you down. From this point, we have fun with the enemies on the bridge as I blow them all up with the Mini-Nuke and take droves of them down in one or two shots.

6:36 - Be sure to look down so you Mini-Nuke everyone here.

7:43 - Yes. Run into my gun. Idiots. That way, I can head to the old Gadgetron shop...

8:35 - ...and get some weapons! Since I still have the save file from the first game on my PS2 Memory Card, I can get all the weapons from the store for free. Otherwise, they'll cost you. The weapons you can get are the Bomb Glove (which is now obsolete thanks to the Mini-Nuke), the Visibomb and its remote controlled bombs (use the left stick to move them), the Decoy Glove, the Tesla Claw and its crispy electrical blasts, and the Walloper, which punches enemies at close range. The weapons are free, but the ammo is not. The Walloper does not require ammo. Also, unlike the other guns in the game, all of the guns at the Gadgetron store cannot be evolved into more powerful weapons.

There is also the RYNO II, which is an improved version of the RYNO, but it costs one million bolts to buy and it'll be a while before we get it. Just like the original, it fires rockets and can destroy everyone you put it up against.

12:09 - By using the Quick Select option in the pause menu, you can place guns and devices in the Quick Select ring that you can access by holding Triangle. Use L1 and R1 to cycle through the slots, and use the D-Pad and the X button to choose and select what you want to equip in the currently selected slot.

13:33 - We can finally take the elevator back to the start.

14:15 - Well, there's a biker there. But we'll need the Heli-Pack to get there, and to get the Heli-Pack, we'll need Clank.

14:45 - New weapons! The Pulse Rifle acts as a sniper rifle that can pack a punch from a distance, the Seeker Gun that fires homing missiles and the Mini-Turret Glove that throws out turrets that fire at enemies for you for a limited time.

With the Pulse Rifle, you can aim with L1, and you can zoom in and out with R1 and R2 respectively while holding L1. This allows you to take out some enemies from far away.

Skill Points:

Clank Needs A New Pair Of Shoes: Hit three bars on the slot machines after winning 300 bolts on them.


Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

  • Jump and double jump
  • Wall jump (near certain walls)
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently equipped weapons/items
  • interrupt on-screen messages

Select: open map
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

  • center camera behind Ratchet (tap button to center)
  • first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
  • R1/R2: zoom in and out (Pulse Rifle only)
L2/R2: strafe (hold while moving)
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
R3: open map

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