
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 37 of 53

Our adventure takes us into the Deep Darkness...

When you leave Dungeon Man, Dungeon Man will keep following you. Be sure to buy Multi Bottle Rockets at the store as you head south.

When you reach the palm trees, Dungeon Man will be unable to follow you, and he will have to say goodbye. From here, he will block your path back to the north, and there is only one thing left to do: soldier on.

The man at the other end will tell you that the Deep Darkness is on the other side of the river and that the monsters there are very powerful. If he asks you if you still want to cross the river, say "Yes." He will tell you that the swamp is bottomless and that you will need a submarine.

Go back to Dungeon Man and talk to him. He will tell you that he has a submarine, but to get to it, you'll have to go through the whole maze over again. When you talk to Brick Road, you'll be able to take the Goodbye Exit, which was blocked earlier. It will take you to the submarine. Just keep going down the holes as you see them, one by one, and you'll end up at the path leading to the submarine. There will be a pay phone and a Revitalizing Chamber nearby.

The Talisman Ribbon increases Luck by 25.

When you interact with the submarine, you'll traverse the ocean, and you'll soon end up in a swamp. 

The Myna Bird with the phone on its head is a phone. The nearby monkey runs an inn that you can stay in for free.

With the Piggy Nose, you can look for truffles. Just use it, and you'll see which direction you need to go. It will also tell you if it's right where you're standing, in which case you can check the spot for a Magic Truffle, which restores 80 PP. Save these things up, because you'll need them. You don't need the Piggy Nose to pick up the Magic Truffles if you know where they are, but it really helps.

The deep water will sap your health, so be careful and watch your HP.

The guy you'll meet a little bit in will sell Multi Bottle Rockets if you forgot to buy them or still need them.

Super Bombs instantly defeat all normal enemies, but not bosses.

You'll need to use the Hawk Eye to see the dark areas.

The straw in the water is an ATM, but he charges a handling fee that is the same as your withdrawal. It's not worth it.

The monkey near the tree who wants to teleport will ask you to teach him to teleport. He'll eventually figure it out, then he will give you the Monkey's Love. When used in bottle, it causes a monkey to appear and pin down the enemy, solidifying it for one turn. It can miss, however.

The man in the business suit is the representative of the nearby doctor, who can heal you. He also sells items, but these are items you can find elsewhere. 

The nearby monkeys to the west will tell you about how the swamp can sap your health and how you can use the Piggy Nose to find Magic Truffles.

The Pit Bull Slug can put a single party member to sleep with Hypnosis Alpha, and can also lower a party member's offense and defense with a vacuum attack. The Demonic Petunia can immobilize a party member with pollen, and can also dispense an extinguishing blast that does a lot of damage; it is basically Fire Gamma.

The enemy that looks like Master Belch is the Big Pile of Puke. It can make the whole party cry with its stinky breath, make one party member nauseous with the nauseating breath, and solidify one party member with its mucus.

The photographer will show up when you approach the yellow bird. If you talk to the bird, it tells you that nobody comes to the Tenda's Village because it's far away.

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