
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Drill Dozer - Part 18 of 28

This route was fun, believe it or not.

Area 4 Secret Area: Metal City Highrise

There are two paths we'll be taking in Area 4's secret area: the top path and the bottom path. We'll be taking the bottom path.

The bottom path has a ton of screw gates. Before you can get to them, you'll need to watch where you're going on some moving platforms. 

To get to the treasure chest that contains the Stinky 'Shroom, you'll need to launch yourself backwards as you latch onto the screw gate, then latch onto the rubber blocks and launch yourself backwards off the block at second gear.

For the rubber block before the big gap with the moving platform, you'll need to get to third gear, then launch yourself off just before the moving platform appears, then be ready to duck to avoid the block on the other side.

For the screw gate before the set of rubber blocks, you'll need to drill the bottom screw first, then launch yourself towards the blocks at second gear.

Near the end, you'll need to bring the screw gate further to the left, then drill the other screw in the opposite direction and launch yourself off to the right as soon as you hit third gear. It works better if you get the left screw all the way to the left, as you'll have more time on the other side.

At the end of this route, you'll get the Eternal Top.

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