
Monday, May 6, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Drill Dozer - Part 16 of 28

It's time to play the rest of the secret areas, but before I do...let's check out how to get chips!

When you beat the main game, you can see how many treasures you've collected in all the levels. When you collect all the treasures, you'll have fully completed the game.

The Mega Bit and the rest of the maps will be available in the shop once you beat the game. The Mega Bit will let you break through the steel gray blocks that have been blocking you from getting cool stuff throughout the game.

As for how I got a ton of bolts, I kept playing through Area 6-1, as that is a great place to get some bolts before you reach the engine for the drill missile. I do a playthrough of this level, and this time, I play it better.

Area 3 Secret Area: Forgotten Ruins

When you enter the level, you'll be able to get third gear right out of the gate, which will make things easier.

There are three routes, and we'll take all of them. For this video, we will be entering the first door we see as soon as we enter the ruins.

For the first part, you're racing against the spikes again, and you'll need to carefully make a path so that you can get to the top and enter the door there. If it's in your way, you'll need to destroy it. There are a few blocks that you won't need to destroy, either because said blocks make it easier to get somewhere or because it's not in your way as you get to the top.

When you enter the door at the top, you'll be able to get the Barnacle Coin.

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