
Saturday, May 4, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Drill Dozer - Part 14 of 28

Now to take the other path. Guess what? It's the worser path.

Area 2 Bonus: Employee Area

This time around, we'll be entering the door that briefly looked at in the last video. Guess what? This leads to the other path. 

You'll be dealing with laser turrets and plenty of platforms, socket lifts and rubber blocks are you make your way around. At one point, you'll have to stay underneath a moving platform while fighting enemies so as not to get zapped by the lasers above.

Your timing needs to be dead on and staggered as much as possible to get to the door above the slow socket lifts. For best results, you'll need to stay on the slow socket lift for as long as possible.

Once you get third gear, you'll have to get rid of one statue. Carefully tap a shoulder button so you destroy the bottom statue, or else you'll accidentally destroy more than one and you'll have to leave the room and re-enter to try again. After some laser shooters, you'll have to deal with three more socket lifts to get to the end of the level...and it is the worst three socket lifts that I have ever played around with and the worst experience that I have in this game due to the timing of when the socket lifts show up and trying to make sure I hit the right button combinations while also trying to stay in third gear so I can make it. For some reason, this takes six minutes, which is five minutes longer than it should have, landing in the spikes and attempting to jump over them horribly every time I mess up, resulting in the loss of quite a bit of health. You can tell that I don't like this. At all.

When you somehow make it to the end, you'll be able to get the Samurai Sword and get out of here.

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