
Friday, May 3, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Drill Dozer - Part 13 of 28

Before we beat the game, let's get some extra stuff done, shall we?

Area 2 Bonus: Employee Area

When you go in, the green floors will blend in with the green walls, but if you pay attention to the floor, you'll be able to tell where you can go. In an even funnier twist, some things that can be destroyed will blend in with these floors.

There is a door we can slide to, but we don't enter that one yet. Instead, we go further to the right down a drill duct and take another path. This path is, thankfully, the easier path. Throughout this path, you'll be dealing with steam blasts as well as the pink Pac-Man enemies that will chase you down the ducts.

Once you hit third gear, you'll be having some fun with going in and out of the the smaller ducts to get back on the main path and revving the drill up ahead of time to ensure you can get through a series of ducts. You'll also have to face the crab boss again - twice! - but you fight the crab boss the same way. The eye that flashes indicates which claw it will attack with, and you'll need to attack that claw to damage the boss (or avoid that claw if you're not in position to). If it's the left eye, it will be the left claw; if it's the right eye, it will be the right claw. When the crab lowers its eyes into the duct after you successfully avoid its attack, you'll want to attack the eyes with the drill. 

After a really fun part where you go through the drill ducts at top speed, you'll get the Pyramid Stone in a chest. You can then rocket through a few more ducts and get out of here.

But what about that set of doors that led to someplace completely different? We're going there next time!

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