
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse - Part 6 of 6

...and now, the final confrontation with Emperor Pete!

Stage 6

Pete's Castle


The blocks pointing upwards can be thrown to hit aerial enemies that are directly above you.

The flying helmets can't be defeated with a jump attack, though you can jump off of them to use them as a sort of stepping stone.

The floating circular platforms are trampolines. Wait for them to lower before jumping to get some added height. Don't stand on them for too long, or they'll rip.

To unfurl the magic carpets, attack it with the Magic Turban. From there, you can hop on and use Left and Right to move the carpet. It's a downward ride, as you'll see in the next part of the stage.

You'll need to go up and to the left with the trampolines in order to enter a Pete-shaped cave and get a 1-Up. Also, good luck if you're going for the general store underwater, as there are two instant death fish that will try to keep you from getting to it (and getting the power-ups that cut your magic and water hose energy usage in half).


Unfurl the magic carpet with the Magic Turban, and use Left and Right on the Control Pad to guide the carpet to the end. Avoid the walls of spikes as well as the flying helmet enemies, and you should do fine.


In the beginning of the section, the torches will come to life and divebomb you. If you hit them with the Fire Suit's water pump, you'll be able to destroy them easily.

Jumping on the miniature Petes manning the cannons will cause the cannons to stop shooting. That can be a little easier said than done, as the cannonballs can be a pain to avoid 

You'll also have to face the three mini-bosses from the first three stages again if you take the wrong entrance. The same strategies apply, but you'll have to deal with pits for the first one, Proto Man-style gaps in the floor for the second one, and a lower spiked ceiling for the third one. If you're low on power-ups, however, you can go through these entrances on purpose to refill, but you'll still have to take on the mini-boss (which is never really hard).

There is a big block near one of the false exits that leads to a mini-boss. Inside is another Crystal Heart.


Emperor Pete is pretty nasty. When the yellow magic bolts come out of his hands, you won't be able to hit him in the face until he moves his hands out of the way. He'll be doing this to conjure portions of the stone wall to come out and hit you, and there will be torches spawning from the ceiling to divebomb at you.

Switch to the Magic Turban and hit Pete's face with fully charged shots. Destroy the flying torches with it to refill your magic. Be sure to destroy the stone wall portions if they get in your way.

If you're using the Fire Suit, remember that you can stand on the stone wall portions to reach Pete's face, and the water pump will push them back as long as you're spraying them. If you hit the torches with it, you'll get the Fire Hydrants instead of the Magic Lamp. Just remember that the Fire Suit isn't as powerful as the Magic Turban.

After he takes enough damage, the yellow bolts will change to blue fire. It tracks where you are, so pay attention to the floor so you don't get burned.

When he turns red after some more damage, he'll alternate between the enemy summoning and the blue fire.

If you see a big yellow spark come out from between his hands during the yellow bolts, jump when it comes your way! It will move across the floor after coming down towards you.

After you do enough damage to Pete, you've beaten him! You've won!

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