
Thursday, November 24, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro the Dragon - Part 7 of 21

In this entry, we start collecting treasure in the Magic Crafters' homeworld.

Magic Crafters Homeworld

Well, here we are. The mountains.

The fodder here are sheep, although they look different from the ones we've seen in the past.

Shortly after the start of the world, you'll meet your sixth thief. If you're not fast enough, you'll have to go back to the start and go towards the first rescuable dragon to get the thief back into position. Charging and jumping makes it easier to get to a thief faster.

The magic casters are pretty weird. You'll have to charge up to them in order to flame them. Otherwise, they'll raise the ground around them like a mountain and laugh at you because you can't reach them. When you move away, the ground around them lowers again, giving you another chance. Some of them will alter the area around them in other ways, such as putting a wall up in front of them just by raising the ground.

The guys with the big wands have to be charged into, as they wear metal armor. Sometimes you'll see them with the magic casters; other times, they will be in groups of wizards with big wands.

In the area where you first meet the magic casters, you'll find another thief.

The slopes with the arrows pointing downward create a Supercharge attack if charge on them. Just hold the button down and you'll be able to charge a lot faster than normal until you either run into the wall or release the Square button. You will also need this ramp to break the supposedly unbreakable metal chest in this stage (which isn't very far away from that slope at all).

The green wizards will try to zap you, but if you get the jump on them you'll be able to flame them before they can do anything.

The key is located in a house surrounded by water. If you glide off the platform where the entrance to High Caves is at and veer right, you'll find a cave in the waterfall. There, you'll find the key chest as well as an extra life.

Alpine Ridge

More sheep for fodder.

Sometimes the wizards will ride on the backs of the orange elephant-like creatures of this world. When you flame the creatures, you'll be able to take care of the wizards by charging into them.

Once again, you'll be dealing with wizards that move the ground back and forth, making them act like some sort of obstacle. Watch your shadow so you can land your jumps.

Watch our for the blue wizards; they can hit you from a good distance, but you can jump straight over their projectiles if you time your jumps right.

There is a cave that you can only glide to from the exit. Inside is some more of the gems as well as your tenth thief.

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