
Saturday, February 27, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays EVO: The Search For Eden - Part 1 of 14

Well, time to play this one myself. I covered this via somebody else's guide a couple of years back; there's a lot more to it now that I've replayed it for the channel.

Anyway, this is a Super Nintendo game released by Enix in 1993. The gameplay and storyline is pretty good, even if it does seem a bit out there. There's not much in the way of music, though. Yeah, I'm covering a completely underrated game again. But it's actually worth beating, since the developers put at least a good amount of effort into the entire game.

Chapter 1: The World Before Land

500 ~ 450 Million B.C.

After you meet Gaia and you basically see the beginning of the storyline, you start the a tiny, unimpressive fish.


Don't run away, guys. It gets better. I promise.

Okay? Okay.

Ocean of Origin

After the first jellyfish tells you about evolution and whatnot, you can basically attack the little jerk, then eat the meat he leaves behind. The meat not only heals you, but it also gives you Evo Points, which basically let you evolve your character, adding and changing to your abilities.

The jellyfish here are pretty weak, thankfully. If you still need some HP, though, the plankton can be eaten, though it won't give you any EP. Just don't run into the jellyfish or give them the chance to sting you. To attack, press Y. To move, use the Control Pad. X will allow you to eat things.

When you make it all the way to the right (which doesn't take long at all), you'll be in the next area. Whenever you're in the world map, you can switch to other areas that you've already completed, which are indicated by the red dot. The green dot is an area you haven't cleared yet. From here, you can use the Control Pad to move between areas and press B to select where you want to go.

Cave of Guidance

If you see any flashing meat upon defeating an enemy, eat it. Flashing meat gives more experience along with a bigger health replenishment.

When you enter the cave, you'll take on a few eels. They take a little more damage than the jellyfish and they can be annoying when they walk right into you, but they can't do much besides move around and swing their tails.

You should have at least 200 EP by the time you enter the cave from leveling up. Some of the new evolutionary options, such as a bigger dorsal fin (which allows you to move faster) and bigger jaws (for a more powerful attack) cost this much, but some others cost even more, especially when you're trying to become even more powerful.

When you approach the sea cucumbers near the end (which you can eat), you'll hear them saying that Gaia has a plan for the fish to create a new world, and that you won't be able to go back after you reach the third volcano in the sea.

If you eat the brown crystal at the end, you'll get a message about how the brown crystals work. You'll also get the basics on evolution:

Evolving your teeth increases your attack power.

Evolving your body increases your defensive power.

Evolving your horn will increase your attack power. (Be careful, as your horn can break after a few uses.)

Evolving your hands, feet, and dorsal fin as well as your tail will increase your agility, HP level and strength.

Evolving one part of your body may decrease the ability of another. (Don't be surprised if you find yourself experimenting in order to build the perfect beast.)

To evolve things, press Select, then select "Evolution." From here, you can use the Control Pad to highlight options, B to confirm and Y to back out. The "Capability" option lets you see your current stats, and Record of Evolution lets you save your game.

Since you're done here, head out of the cave and leave the same way you came in. You're done here.

Cave of Temptation

Oh, boy. You might want to level up your attack power in the first two areas before going in here, since the tiny sea creatures in the cave that split into two when you attack them have quite a few HP for this stage in the game. They're not hard, they just require a slightly higher attack power than what you've started the game with.

Thankfully, the two tiny things (I guess they're tiny green manta rays, but I can't really tell what they are) give you 20 EP apiece when you eat the meat they leave behind.

The coral here heal you when eaten. One of them will tell you about the red crystal.

There's a red crystal here that you can eat to transform into something completely different. Eating the one here will turn you into a manta ray with 80 HP. It is possible to become a gray manta ray with 100 HP. This is temporary, though, so enjoy it while you can.

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