
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 6 - Part 8 of 8

Once again, Wily is defeated...and this time, he goes to jail! See you on Super Nintendo!

Dr. Wily Stage 3

You're going to be underwater now. Besides the fish that you've seen in a few stages throughout the game, you'll also see the fans. The fans will blow you towards them, which makes for some pretty good jumps over the spike-infested pits here.

It won't be long until you enter the Boss Rush room. From upper-left to upper-right, it's Yamato Man, Plant Man, Knight Man, Centaur Man, Wind Man, Tomahawk Man, Wind Man, Flame Man, and Blizzard Man. The same strategies for each Robot Master still apply.

Dr. Wily Stage 4

Once you beat the Boss Rush, you'll be able to enter a teleporter that takes you to the final stage. After dropping downwards and taking out a Mettaur dispenser, you'll face Dr. Wily.

The first form is a skull tank with spikes at the bottom. It will leap to the other side of the screen, shoot large energy balls in eight directions, then repeat. Stay near the middle, and slide to get away from the boss if you need to. Be sure to jump over the fireballs and hit the tank with the Mega Buster as you dodge it. Thankfully, you don't have to aim at the skull, you can hit it anywhere. If you have energy on the Silver Tomahawk, use that.

The second form exposes Dr. Wily. He will try to crush you with the tank and shoot an energy ball at you. Use the Silver Tomahawk to make this part a lot more swift, and be ready to slide.

The third and final form is one of Wily's numerous spaceships. He keeps appearing and disappearing, shooting four energy balls in a spiral-like pattern before he disappears. The Silver Tomahawk works her, but charged up Mega Buster shots will also work well.

Of all the games you fight Dr. Wily in, this is probably the easiest one to take him on in.

When you beat Wily's third form, you're done. Mega Man places Dr. Wily under arrest. He won't be doing any more damage anytime soon.

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