
Saturday, September 12, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Klonoa: Empire of Dreams - Part 7 of 12

It's time to head to the forest village of Santal for the fourth world in the game.

Forest Village: Santal

Klonoa and Huepow come across a person named Maris who is unconscious. They help Maris up, and find out that a monster appeared in the valley and spread a sickness across the entire village. Unfortunately, Dr. Medim has disappeared, and Klonoa and Huepow think that Dr. Medim has turned into a monster, too.

Vision 4-1

The sign at the start will tell you that Klonoa cannot swim, and that if you were to land in the water, you would take damage. Also, Klonoa will not be able to go under waterfalls.

Grab the flying Muu, then double jump right. Jump over the water pits as you continue to go right, and grab the green gems as you go. You may have to hover to get the gems. Go back to the flying Muu, grab it, then double jump to the right. Jump to the vine, climb up, grab the Goomi to the right, then jump to the blue gem. Drop down and go through the passage to the right.

Grab the flying Muu, and go right without having the flying Muu touch the Spiker that is moving back and forth. Double jump to the right, then get on the green platforms being pushed by the geysers as you continue right. (Thankfully, the geysers do not hurt you.) At the last green platform, face left, jump up and grab the Goomi, then jump left. Grab the Muu here and double jump to the right to get the first Moon Stone. From here, continue left.

Go left, avoiding the Spiker as you do so, Grab the box, then go to the "stairs" you passed by, jump up and throw it left over the wall. Go to the box, pick it back up and double jump to the right. Grab the flying Muu, double jump right, grab another one, go up the green platforms, then double jump left to get the second Moon Stone. Go right and make normal jumps to get the two green gems as you do so.

Head right and drop down to the sign. The sign will tell you that the blue switch with the white water droplet will raise and lower the water level when you hit it, and that Klonoa cannot swim. Go left and hit the switch, then grab the green gems and grab the flying Muu to get the Circle Key. Grab another Flying Muu and double jump to the right, then grab the Goomi. Jump to the Circle Door and unlock it. Go right.

Go right, grab the Goomi, then jump right. There is another sign stating that Klonoa can ride on boxes while they float (effectively making them platforms on water). Hit the blue switch, go right, get the blue gem, grab the box, reposition it so it is on the floor below the left edge of the platform above, then grab the nearby Muu and use it to double jump to the two green gems above the platform. Hit the switch again, grab the Muu, get on the box, double jump to the right where you just got the two gems, hover to the right, go right, grab the flying Muu, get on the green platform and double jump to the right.

Go right and hit the white switch once. Grab the two green gems to the right, then hit the white switch again. Get the other two green gems in the room, then hit the white switch near them three times. Go right.

Go right, grab the flying Muu, take the green platforms on the geysers right, double jump left to the exit door, jump left over the exit door, climb the vine, grab the green gems nearby, and go up the vine while avoiding the spiker, the two new enemies and the projectiles said new enemies shoot at you. Go left at the top.

Grab the flying Muu, double jump left to the green gems to finally get all 30, hit the blue switch, then get back up to the platform where the green gems were. Grab a flying Muu from up there and go left. With the water down, double jump left, get on the green platform, and hover right to the last Moon Stone. Drop down and head to the right, using a double jump with the flying Muu on the way there.

Go right and drop down to the exit door. You're done.

Vision 4-2

Go right, climb down the vine and go right again.

Go right and hit the blue switch. Grab the box and reposition it so that it is in the middle of the water pit, then hover left, hit the blue switch, grab the Muu, jump to the box and double jump right to get the first Moon Stone. Hit the blue switch again, grab a Muu, jump right off the box, then double jump to the right afterwards to head further to the right. At the next water pit, grab the Goomi, ride it to the right, jump to and hit the blue switch, then drop down, grab the three green gems and head right.

Go right. The sign nearby will tell you that you can use a box to block the waterfall in order to get past it. Grab the box and go right past the waterfalls. Double jump to the right with the box, then grab the flying Muu, jump over the Spiker, double jump up to the vine and climb up. Jump to the right. Go right.

Go right and hit the white switch four times to rotate the room completely and get a box to pop up above the entrance to the room. Use the flying Muu to double jump up to the box, then grab the box, double jump right and get the green gems and the Circle Key. Drop down and go left.

Go up the vine and enter the Circle Door. Grab the Teton at its highest point to get the blue gem in the corner, then grab another one and fly left to the ladder. Go up the ladder.

From the ladder, grab the Teton and get the blue gem at the top, then grab another one and fly to the left. Grab the box and toss it left, then grab it again and double jump to toss it down onto the switch. Grab the flying Muu and double jump to the Triangle Key, then drop down and to the left to get two more green gems. When you drop all the way down, go through the Triangle Door and keep going left.

Head left, get the green gems, grab the flying Muu and use it to go right past the waterfalls. If you wait before grabbing the flying Muu, you'll find out enemies can be used to get through waterfalls as well. Jump right to get the Heart Key, then double jump to the right. Go right.

Go right and go through the Heart Door. Get the Muu out of your way and go down the ladder.

Drop down to the right to get green gems and the second Moon Stone. Use the Goomi to get back up and go back up the ladder.

Wait for the Muu to go left past where the Heart Door was, then grab the Muu, then double jump to the left to the area above where the Triangle Door was. Get the two green gems, then head left.

Go left, hit the blue switch, grab the box and place it in the middle of the water pit. Grab the flying Muu while standing on the box, then throw it at the blue switch. Grab another flying Muu after the water raises back up, then double jump straight up to get the two green gems above and the last Moon Stone. Grab another flying Muu and throw it at the blue switch to lower the water again, then throw the box to the left and keep going in that direction.

Unlock the Circle Door, then grab the box and toss it left. Grab the box, drop down and use it to go past the waterfall to the left. Get the last three green gems, then double jump to the exit door with the box. You're done.

Vision 4-3

Go right. The sign will tell you that the arrows show which way a thrown object will travel, and that you can change the direction of a blue arrow by hitting it with a wind bullet. Go right, then hit the blue arrow so it points up. Throw the box to the left so it hits the arrow pointing right, then jump on the box and grab the green gems as you make your way to the right.

The sign in the next room tells you that you can use the arrows to ride a box, and that changing an arrow's direction is still possible while riding. Go down and hit the blue arrow so it points up, then grab the box and double jump below the blue arrow to ride the box to the right. When the ride is over, grab the box, double jump to the right, jump to the blue gem, then go right.

Hit the red switch, grab the flying Muu, go past the shrunken brown block, then throw the flying Muu at the red switch. Go right.

With the two brown blocks in the next room shrunken, you can grab the box in the next room. Go right past the box and hit the blue arrow so it points up, then double jump to throw the box down on the blue arrow. Jump right and get the first Moon Stone and the two green gems, then grab the box and double jump to the right to go up the ladder.

Grab the Goomi and jump left. Avoid the red switch for now as you head left. Hit the blue arrow you see on the way left and hit it so it points up, then grab the flying Muu, double jump above the blue arrow to the left, and go left when the door opens. Grab the two green gems and the Circle Key, then go left.

Go left, grab the Teton and fly left to the Circle Door. Go through the Circle Door, hit the red switch, go back down, grab the Teton and fly left.

Go down the vine and head left. Hit the blue arrow to the left of the box so it points up, then throw the box to the right so it hits the blue arrow in that direction, which should be pointing left. Ride the box and get the gems, then ride the box again. This time, jump to the Goomi, grab it, and jump left to the second Moon Stone. Jump to the nearby red switch and hit it, then climb up the vine and take the first path right that you see.

You're back in the previous room. You can use the enlarged brown block to get the Klonoa Token. Go back left.

Go all the way up the vine this time. Take the two green gems and head right.

Hit the blue arrow so it points up, then grab the flying Muu. Throw it at the blue arrow so it hits the switch, then grab another flying Muu, double jump to the enlarged brown block and go up the ladder.

Go left and watch out for the enemies and their projectiles. Go down the ladder.

Go left and grab the box. Take it to the left. Drop it off. You'll need to move some blue arrows. Hit the first blue arrow you see so it points up, then grab the box again and double jump above the blue arrow. You'll end up on a light blue mushroom platform. Grab the green gems, go left, jump left off the box to grab the last Moon Stone, grab the box, toss it left and get the last two gems and the Klonoa Token. Throw the box all the way to the right. Go up the ladder.

Hit the red switch and go to the exit. You're done.

Vision 4-4

Jump over the Spiker, jump to get the green gems, take the ramp to get more green gems, jump to get the Klonoa Token, grab the Muu, double jump between the Spikers to get more gems, jump the gap for green gems, jump immediately after the gap to get even more green gems, grab the Muu, double jump so you get four green gems and a blue one, hover over the Spiker for a blue gem. You should have 33 gems at this point.

Take the ramp and hover to get two green gems, land immediately on another ramp to get a blue gem, go down the hill for more green gems, hover at the end of the platform, grab the Muu, double jump to get to another platform, jump to get the blue gem, hover afterwards for three green gems, go under the giant Spiker, hover over the next Spiker for a blue gem, fall off the edge for two more green gems, then do it again for another two green gems. Jump for the Klonoa Token if you want. You should have 66 gems at this point.

Grab the Muu, double jump and hover over the giant Spiker for green gems, hover between the two giant Spikers for three more green gems (you'll have to time it carefully for this one), jump for the two green gems and the blue gem, grab the Muu, take the ramp, use the gems as you grab them as a guide to when to double jump and grab flying Muus and double jump and hover carefully to get a blue gem after the first flying Muu and another blue gem after the second flying Muu. Take the ramp, grab the flying Muu and immediately double jump to get three green gems and a blue gem. Jump to get the Klonoa Token. You should have 100 gems. You're done.

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