
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Happily Ever After (NES) - Part 2 of 4

The difficulty ramps up as we cross the mountains and...hey, what's that music?

Stage 2

The boulders will bounce up and down, as will the wolves. You can fight the wolves off, but barely. The boulders can't be attacked at all, so your best bet is to walk under them after they bounce upwards. You'll be gently edging to the right to get wolves and boulders to show up at times.

Jump at the end of the second and third bridges, or else you won't make it to the other side. If you fall into a pit, you'll end up back at the start of the stage minus one hit point/life.

When you see four holes on the ground and a tall wall, double tap B to switch to your magic, then use the Control Pad to select the water droplets and press B. You'll summon geysers out of the holes in the ground to get over the wall.

The skeletons' heads fly around when you beat them up, so avoid them entirely. Also, the second section has the character select theme from Friday the 13th on NES.

The boss here is an evil flower. Avoid the purple clouds by ducking, and attack the flower's head when it opens by walking up to it and pressing B. There are only three spots where the flower stops, and once you've gotten them memorized, beating this boss is a snap.

After the boss head to the right, Muddy will give you an earthquake spell, while Critterina will give you the ability to summon animals.

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