
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Happily Ever After (NES) - Part 1 of 4

Despite the 1991 copyright date, this game wasn't exactly found until almost a quarter-century later. The film was worked on in 1989, released only in France in 1990, and didn't get an American theatrical release until 1993. For two years, this game waited to be released, but due to the failure of the movie, a lawsuit by Disney, the film's distributor going under due to their defrauding of investors and Filmation going bankrupt due to the movie's lack of success, only a Super Nintendo game was ever released, and the NES version in a finished - if not final - state lay dormant for almost a quarter century despite intended release dates ranging from to January 1991 to June 1993 until it was finally found and dumped in the middle of 2015.

Snow White and her prince are soon to be happily married. The evil Lord Maliss seeks revenge on Snow White for the death of his sister. Lord Maliss transforms into a dragon to carry out his revenge. Lord Maliss sweeps the prince away. The prince is taken to the evil castle in the land of doom.

Stage 1

In the first level, Blossom - one of the Dwarfelles - gives you a flower that will help you cross the lake.

Left and Right let you move around, Down lets you duck, B lets you attack with the magic cape and A lets you jump. Despite the frames of animation you have, only the first frame of animation from Snow White swining the magic cape around acts as an attack. Because of that, I almost never attack enemies in this game because the attack is a total letdown, as it only works if the enemy is right in front of you. Not that the enemies are hard, mind you.

To cross the lakes, press B twice to access your powers. The flower icon will flash. Press A to select it, and a flower platform will move back and forth. You can jump onto it and ride it across the lake to get to the other side.

Your lives counter is actually your hit points counter, and every time you get hit, that gets brought down by one. Lose them all, and you're forced to continue. You only have four continues, and unless you get used to doing things in the game, you're going to lose them very quickly. You can get a new hit point every 10,000 points.

The fruits that move back and forth in mid-air only give you points if you can clear the stage.

To beat the boss, get up to the moving log and swing the cape in his face, then back away. Wait for it to stop flashing, then attack when its face is in front of you again. It can also shoot some leaf projectiles that can be hard to dodge. If the boss is flashing, the boss won't be able to do contact damage.

When you beat the boss, go to the right. Marina, another Dwarfelle, gives you the power to control water, which allows you to produce geysers in certain spots. You'll also meet Moonbeam, who will give you the power to converse with Mother Nature and get hints.

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